XANTH / O: A combining word-form that means "yellow".
XANTHEMIA: Yellow material in blood.
XANTHIC: Yellow.
XANTHOMAS: Small yellow bumps (growths or tumors).
XANTHOPSIN: A condition in which objects appear yellow ... may occur with jaundice.
XANTHOSIS: Jaundice.
X CHROMOSOME: Sex chromosome (one of two).
XENOPHOBIA: Fear of strangers.
XENOPHTHALMIA: Eye inflammation caused by a foreign body.
XER / (O): A combining word-form that means, "dry".
XERODERMA: Skin condition characterized by rough, dry and discolored skin.
XEROFORM: Gauze dressing.
XEROMA: Dry conjunctiva (membrane covering the sclera).
XEROPHTHALMIA: Another word for ... "dry eyes".
XEROSIS: Excessive dryness.
XEROSTOMIA: Mouth dryness.
XIPHOID PROCESS: Cartilage that is shaped like a sword ... located at the bottom of the sternum. Also spelled "xiphoid".
X-RAY: Similar to light, they are energy in the form of waves. Because they have more energy than light waves they are able to pass through the body and take pictures. The unit to measure x-rays is the "rem", this is a very large unit and for practicality it is decreased to the unit called the "millirem" (one thousandth of a rem). A dental x-ray exposes a person to 0.5-3 mrem. It is estimated that on the average people are exposed to 360 mrem a year from sources like radiation in foods. The maximum yearly exposure is considered 5,000 millirems. Small doses that are accumulative are preferable to single large doses because the body has time to recover and repair damage prior to receiving and new small dose.
XIPHOID PROCESS: Cartilage that is shaped like a sword ... located at the bottom of the sternum. Also spelled "xophoid".
XYSTER: An instrument used in surgery to scrape bone.
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