EAB: Abbreviation for "elective abortion".
E ANTIGEN: A secretion which is observed from cells which have been infected with the Hepatitis B virus ... when noted in the blood, the E Antigens indicates a high level of virus activity.
EAR CANDLING: A method of drawing ear wax from the ear by laying a patient on his/her side and then inserting a candle into ear. Another person then lights the candle to create a vacuum that draws out the earwax.
EAR CONING: A method of treating an earache by expelling toxins and wax from inside the ear.
EARLY SATIETY: An abnormal feeling of fullness prior to the completion of a meal.
EARWAX: The substance in the ear that protects the ear canal from germs and other airborne irritants.
EAS: Abbreviation for ... "external anal sphincter"
EBC: Abbreviation for ... "esophageal balloon catheter".
EBOLA: Disease which causes hemorrhagic fever. It was first seen in the Ebola river region of northern Zaire. The sickness is caused by the Ebola virus and is usually fatal. Little is known about the disease (year 2000). Infections can be transmitted via airborne particles and body secretions such as mucus, saliva and blood, and can be passed through a simple handshake. Four days after exposure, flu-like symptoms set in, followed by bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Ten to 15 days later, the victims "bleed out" through the nose, mouth and eyes. Blood and other bodily fluids also begin seeping through the skin, producing painful blisters. How the first person known to have contracted Ebola in Uganda - became infected is a mystery. In fact, researchers have no idea where the virus lives in between outbreaks, which are often years and hundreds of miles apart. While they know it resides in a host animal or insect that it does not kill, they have not identified the host. While there is no cure, patients aggressively treated for dehydration have a good chance of survival.
EBL: Abbreviation for ... "estimated blood loss".
EBV: Abbreviation for ... "Epstein-Barr virus".
EBV VIRUS: Epstein-Barr.
EC: Abbreviation for ... "Escherichia Coli", "esophageal carcinoma".
ECCHYMOSES: Bruise ... skin discoloration due to blood beneath the skin.
ECF: Abbreviation for ... "extracellular fluid".
ECG: Also called ... "electrocardiogram" or "EKG". A device used to record the electrical activity of the heart.
ECHINOCOCCOSIS, HEPATIC: An infection of the liver by a parasite which resembles a worm.
ECHOCARDIOGRAM: Term for "ultrasound" used to identify abnormalities of the heart ... it is a good way to identify malfunctioning heart valves.
ECK FISTULA: A combining of the portal vein and the inferior vena cava to direct blood from the liver into the heart.
ECLAMPSIA: Convulsions not related to epilepsy ... sometimes occurs in the later stages of pregnancy.
E. Coli: Also called ... "Escherichia coli". The main bacterium that inhabits the intestines of humans and animals to check the growth of other, harmful bacteria ... some other strains cause diarrhea and urinary tract infections.
E. Coli 0157: H7: E. Coli subtype which can cause a bacterial infection to possibly produce diarrhea, abdominal cramps and bloody diarrhea. Antibiotics do not provide much relief in the 5-10 day ailment. Those with weakened immunity systems (children and seniors) may develop a life threatening condition called ... "hemolytic uremic syndrome" in which red blood cells are destroyed and the kidneys fail.
ECR: Abbreviation for "Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate" which is a test to detect inflammation in the body.
-ECTASIS: A suffix which means ... "stretch".
ECT: Abbreviation for "Electroconvulsive therapy". (PSYCH)
ECTASIA: Dilation (widening) of a structure which is tubular in shape.
ECTO-: A prefix (word part) meaning "outside".
-ECTOMY: A suffix which means ... "removal".
ECTOPIC: Not in a normal position ... often used to describe a pregnancy outside of the womb.
ECTOPY: Displacement or malposition.
ECTOPIC: Referring to something that is located in an unusual place ... deviated from the normal position.
ECZEMA: Sometimes called "dermatitis" or "atopic dermatitis". Dry skin that itches. However, scratching leads to thickening of the skin. Cortisone ointments are effective at relieving the itching. Eczema is a chronic condition that often recurs. Treatment means the elimination of itching. An antihistamine should be added to the relief program combined with mild soaps, moisturizing creams following bathing. Also, sufferers should wear cotton clothing. Note that food allergies are a primary trigger with eggs, peanuts, milk, fish, wheat and soy as the most common culprits.
EDC: Estimated date of conception.
EDEMA: Watery fluid which accumulates in cells. It is sometimes an ominous cause of leg swelling.
EECP: Abbreviation for "enhanced external counterpulsation". Two cuffs (resembling blood pressure cuffs) are attached to each thigh and another is applied to each calf. An electronic signal from an EKG machine causes the cuffs to inflate and deflate (which increases the flow of blood to heart muscle). The improved blood flow causes new blood vessels to form and takes over the work previously done by the clogged arteries. One-hour sessions that last for 35 weeks are typical as a treatment.
EEG: Abbreviation for ... "electroencephalogram/electroencephalography" (brain wave tests).
EFA: Abbreviation for ... "essential fatty acids".
EFFACE: To make non-distinct by wearing away the surface.
EFFERENT: Away from the center.
EFFICACY: Another word for ... "effectiveness".
EFFLUENT: Liquid which escapes into an area.
EFFUSIONS: The escape of fluid into an area.
EGD: Abbreviation for "esophagogastroduodenoscopy".
EGOPHONY: Increased vocal resonance with high-pitched voice heard when auscultating the lung ... due to pleural effusion.
EHC: Abbreviation for ... "enterohepatic circulation".
EHL: Abbreviation for ..."extensor hallucis longus".
EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: Major results include hyperextensible joints and skin ... easy bruising ... crumbling tissue ... poor healing of wounds.
EHO: Abbreviation for ... "extrahepatic obstruction".
EIA: Abbreviation for ... "enzyme immunoassay"
EJECTION FRACTION: Stress test rating.
EKG: Also called an ... "electrocardiogram" or "ECG". A device used to record the electrical activity of the heart.
ELASTIN: A major component of elastic fibers.
ELECTIVE: Not urgent.
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM: A device used to record the electrical activity of the heart ... abbreviated "EKG" or "ECG".
ELECTROCOAGULATE: The use of a device that delivers electrical current to stop bleeding during surgeries.
ELECTRODESICCATION: The use of electricity (high frequency impulses) to destroy tumors or seal off blood vessels.
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM: Also called ... "electroencephalography". An electronic brain wave test.
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY: Also called ... "electroencephalogram". An electronic brain wave test.
ELECTROLYTES: An element or compound which breaks up into ions when dissolved in a liquid. Some blood electrolytes are ... sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, calcium
Electrolytes are typically involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and contraction of muscles.
ELECTROMYOGRAM: A device which displays a graph which corresponds to the electrical currents in muscles.
ELECTROPHORESIS: A method to purify and separate biomolecules. The device works on the principle that particles within and electric field will move toward one or the other electric pole.
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC STUDY: To perform this study, the physician places a flexible tube in a blood vessel (typically the leg) and threads it all the way to the heart. Within the tube is a metal detector-like device that detects irritated areas of the heart muscle that are sending out sporadic electrical impulses (causing abnormal heart rhythms). When the area of the heart that is causing the erratic electrical impulses is located it can be destroyed by exposing it to with high frequency waves (this procedure is called "radio frequency catheter ablation).
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY: The recording of electrical activity in living organisms.
ELEMENT: A substance that is made up from atoms of one specific type.
ELEPHANTIASIS: Also called "lymphedema". Elephantiasis is a specific type of lymphedema caused by a parasitic worm from tropical areas of the wold. The disease is treatable by elevating the legs often to drain fluid. Massage and elastic stockings can also be used. National Lymphedema Network 800 541 3259.
ELICIT: Bring forth; evoke.
ELISA: Abbreviation for ... "enzyme linked immunosorbent assay". This is a blood test that analyzes the amount of antibodies in the blood stream.
ELLIPTOCYTES: Oval shaped red blood cells.
ELLIS FRACTURE: i.e., of a tooth.
ELT: Abbreviation for ... "endoscopic laser therapy".
EM: Abbreviation for ... "esophageal manometry".
EMACIATION: Being abnormally thin due to a loss of flesh ... wasting away.
EMBOLECTOMY: The removal of a blood clot from veins or arteries via surgical means.
EMBOLI: Plural of "embolus".
EMBOLISM: A substance which floats freely within a blood vessel.
EMBOLUS: An object that exists within blood and lodges itself in a blood vessel. It can be a tissue particle, air bubble blood clot, etc.
EMBROCATION: Little used term for ... "liniment".
EMBRYO: A term used to describe a developing baby in the womb through the third month of gestation.
EMD: Abbreviation for ... "esophageal mobility disorder".
EMG: Abbreviation for ... "electromyogram".
-EMESIS: A suffix which means ... "vomiting".
EMESIS: The act of vomiting.
EMETIC: An agent which promotes vomiting.
EMG: Abbreviation for "Electromyogram".
-EMIA: A suffix which means ... "blood condition".
EMOLLIENT: A substance which externally soothes the skin ... internally soothes irritated surfaces.
EMS: Abbreviation for "Emergency Medical Services".
EMPHYSEMA: The condition of air within the spaces of an organ or tissue. In the lungs it deprives the body of oxygen and causes the sufferer to struggle for air. Because of damaged air sacs (gossamer), oxygen cannot reach the blood for distribution to the rest of the body. Smoking is the primary cause in the year 2000. ... Subcu.
EMPIRIC: Resulting from experience or direct observation.
EMPYEMA: Accumulation of pus in the lungs ... a type of pleurisy.
EMT: Abbreviation for "Emergency Medical Team".
EMULSION: A combination of two liquids which do not mix ... one of the liquids becomes suspended in the other as droplets. This is the first step in the digestion of fats.
EN-: A prefix (word part) meaning "in" or "within".
ENCEPHAL / O: Brain. A word-form that combines with prefixes and suffixes to make new words.
ENCEPHALIC: Within the skull.
ENCEPHALITIS: Brain inflammation.
ENCEPHALOGRAM: X-ray of the brain.
ENCEPHALOMALACIA: Infarction of brain tissue.
ENCEPHALOMYELITIS: Brain and/or spinal cord inflammation.
ENCEPHALOPATHY: Any disease of the brain.
ENCHONDROMA: A benign growth of cartilage in a bone.
ENDARTERECTOMY: A method to remove the core of an artery that is thickened by fatty deposits thus ensuring blood flow, carotid, coronary.
ENDEMIC: A disease which occurs in a specific region of the world.
ENDO-: A prefix (word part) meaning "within".
ENDOCARDITIS: Inflammation (infection) of the heart ... typically the heart valves.
ENDOCARDIUM: The lining of the heart chamber.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The body system which secretes hormones into the bloodstream. Glands included in this system are the thymus, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries and testes.
ENDOCYTOSIS: The metabolic process whereby a cell takes in fluids or other large molecules.
ENDODONTIC THERAPY: A dental procedure called ... "root canal".
ENDODONTIC SURGERY: Also called "apicoectomy". A small opening in the gums is made to obtain access to the root of a tooth. The area of bone and roots is cleaned and explored. Subsequently, the tip of the root is excised and a patch is placed (retrograde filling). Finally, sutures (stitches) are placed.
ENDOGENOUS: Without an apparent outside cause.
ENDOMETRIUM: Uterine lining.
ENDOMETRIOSIS: Condition where tissue that resembles the uterine mucous membrane exists in various areas of the pelvic cavity. Birth control pills impede monthly changes that cause pain by mimicking pregnancy.
ENDOMETRITIS: Inflammation of the endometrium.
ENDOMORPH: A body type in which the trunk predominates over the limbs.
ENDOMORPHIC: Having characteristics of an endomorph.
ENDOMYOMETRITIS: Sepsis of the tissues of the uterus.
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: A term from the molecular world that refers to the many, tiny membranes that are diffused throughout the cytoplasm of the cell ... their primary function is the transportation of substances.
ENDOPLAST: Cell nucleus.
ENDORPHIN: Substances found in the brain that suppresses the sensation of pain by binding to opiate suppressors in the brain.
ENDOSCOPE: An examining instrument used in body canals or body organs.
ENDOSCOPE PAPILLOTOMY: A method of removing gallstones from the common bile duct by placing a tube (with a wire in it).
ENDOSCOPIC RETROGRADE CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY: 1) A method of visualizing the bile ducts and pancreatic duct. 2) An examination of the bile ducts by x-ray techniques following the injection of a contrast dye.
ENDOSCOPIST: One who is proficient in the use of an examining instrument used to inspect body canals or organs.
ENDOSCOPY: A method of visualizing internal body functions by the use of a fiber optic tube.
ENDOSCOPY OF THE ESOPHAGUS: A viewing of the esophagus using a device that allows the health provider to see the interior of the esophagus.
ENDOTHELIUM: The special skin which lines internal organs and blood vessels.
ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE: A tube placed in the trachea i.e., oral, nasal.
END STAGE: A period in a disease in which nothing can medically be done to correct the situation.
END STAGE LIVER DISEASE: A point where the liver is unable to function properly due to the progression of a disease.
ENG: Abbreviation for ... "electroneurography" ... "electronystagmogram" ... "electronystagmograph" ... "electronystagmography".
ENHANCED EXTERNAL COUNTERPULSATION: Also called ... "EECP". Two cuffs (resembling blood pressure cuffs) are attached to each thigh and another is applied to each calf. Electronic signals from an EKG machine causes the cuffs to inflate and deflate (which increases the flow of blood to heart muscle). The improved blood flow causes new blood vessels to form and takes over the work previously done by the clogged arteries. One hour sessions which last for 35 weeks are typical as a treatment.
ENOPHTHALMOS: A drawing back of the eyeball into the socket resulting from injury or birth defect.
ENT: Ears, nose, throat.
ENTERAL: Referring to the intestines or gastrointestinal tract.
ENTERALGIA: Intestinal pain.
ENTERECTOMY: Resection of a portion of the intestines.
ENTERIC: Referring to the small intestines.
ENTERITIS: Inflammation of a small intestine.
ENTERO / O: A combining word-form which means "intestine".
ENTEROCOCCUS: A bacteria that resides in the colon and causes no problems if it does not make it's way to other body sites. Sometimes it can cause big trouble in the urinary tract, blood or abdominal cavity. These bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. Treatments include Synercid, vancomycin and chloramphenicol.
ENTEROCOLITIS: Inflammation of the colon and small intestines.
ENTEROHEPATIC: Liver and intestine related.
ENTEROVIRUS (family Picornaviridae): A category of viruses that may inhabit the alimentary canal.
ENTOPIC: Located in the proper place.
ENTURAL: Referring to the small intestine.
ENUCLEATE: Removal of a tumor, organ or nucleus of a cell.
ENURESIS: Urination while sleeping ... bed wetting.
ENVENOMATION: The injection of a poison.
ENZYME: Something which promotes a chemical reaction but is not involved in it. Enzymes are protein substances produced by the body ... they are required tissue/cell building and repairing ... they are essential chemicals that are the foundation of human body functions.
ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY: A test which details information regarding the amount of antibodies located in the bloodstream.
EOM: An abbreviation for "extra?ocular movements" (of the eye).
EOSINOPHILIA: An abnormal increase in white blood cells.
EPHELIS: The medical term for "freckle".
EPHIDROSIS: Abnormal sweating.
EPI-: A prefix that means "above".
EPIBULBAR: Upon the eyeball.
EPICARDIUM: Wall of the heart (outer layer).
EPICONDYLE: Projection at the end of a bone resembling a knuckle.
EPICONDYLITIS: Inflammation of the "epicondyle".
EPICONDYLUS: Projection from a long bone near the joint extremity above the condyle.
EPIDEMIC: A fast and massive outbreak of a disease confined to an area, group or population.
EPIDEMIOLOGY: The study of the causes, patterns and control of infectious diseases in the general public.
EPIDERMIS: The outer layer of skin.
EPIDIDYMIS: A long structure connected to the posterior surface of the testes for the transportation of sperm.
EPIDIDYMITIS: An infection and inflammation of the epididymis.
EPIDURAL ANESTHESIA: A method of numbing the abdominal area, genitals and other areas by injecting an anesthetic drug through the epidural space and into the spinal column ... often used during childbirth.
EPIGASTRALGIA: Pain located in the upper abdomen.
EPIGASTRIC: Referring to the upper abdomen.
EPIGLOTTIS: A structure that closes the windpipe similar to a lid.
EPIGLOTTITIS: Inflammation of the epiglottis which often causes respiratory problems in children.
EPILATION: Hair removal (by the root).
EPILEPSY: Results in seizures that vary in intensity and duration due to sudden outbursts of electrical energy within brain cells.
EPIOTIC: Located in the vicinity of the ear.
EPIPHYSIS: A part of a long bone.
EPISIOTOMY: A procedure used during childbirth that involves cutting the wall of the vagina to prevent tearing.
EPISOME: Bacterial genetic elements which may exist autonomously ... reproducing within the host.
EPISTAXIS: Nose bleed.
EPITHELIOD: Appearing like "epithelium" (the outer layer of skin that covers the body).
EPITHELIOD CELL: A macrophage (immunity cell which attack invading organisms) which resembles epithelial cells ... they are typically seen in granulomas (small, firm, knoblike, circumscribed inflamed lesions which contain mononuclear phagocytes).
EPITHELIOMA: Epithelioma is typically a skin cancer tumor (sometimes of the mucous membranes).
EPITHELIUM: The outer layer of skin that covers the body.
EPITHELIZATION: The formation of epithelium (the outer layer of skin that covers the body) over a surface that has had its protective covering removed.
EPITHELIZE: To cover with epithelium.
EPITOPE: A chemical group which triggers a reaction from the immune system.
EPITROCHLEA: Epicondylus medialis humeri ... a smooth articular surface.
EPITROCHLEAR: Above a trochlea (a smooth articular surface).
EPLEY MANEUVERS: Head movements designed to dislodge calcium deposits in the fluid of the inner ear causing vertigo.
EPONCYCHIAL FOLD: i.e., of the fingernail.
EPONYCHIUM: Thin skin adherent to the finger or toenail.
EPSTEIN?BARR VIRUS: A virus which causes mononucleosis. The virus is also found in cultures of Burkitt's lymphoma.
EQUIVOCAL: Uncertain, doubtful, having more than one meaning.
EQUIVOCAL SYMPTOM: A symptom that is not associated with a particular disease.
ER-2 PANEL: Abbreviation for ... "Emergency Room 2 Panel".
ERBD: Abbreviation for ... "endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage".
ERC: Abbreviation for ... "endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram (or cholangiopancreatography).
ERCP: Abbreviation for ... "endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography" (a surgical procedure).
ERECTOR SPINAE MUSCLES: A group of muscles which extend the spine. It consists of the iliocostalis musculus, spinalis musculus and longissimus musculus.
ERECTOR SPINY MUSCLES: Muscles of the cervical spine.
ERGO: Synonymous with "therefore".
ERUCTATION: Elimination of gas or acid fluid from the stomach through the mouth ... belching.
ERYSIPELAS: "Red skin" is a direct translation of this Greek word. It is caused by the same germ that causes strep throat and this skin infection may follow a sore throat. The face is usually the area that becomes bright red, hot and swollen. It can spread rapidly with sharply defined, red, hot and edematous eruptions. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed.
ERYTHEMA: Redness of the skin due to congestion of the capillaries.
ERYTHROCYTE: Red blood cell.
ERYTHROCYTE AGING: A typical life span for a red blood cell is 120 days ... at maturity it is unable to repair itself, reproduce and perform other functions.
ERYTHROCYTE DEFORMABILITY: The characteristic of an erythrocyte to alter it's shape while passing through small spaces.
ERYTHROCYTE INDICES: A measurement obtained from the erythrocyte count, concentration of blood hemoglobin and hematocrit. Typically includes MCV (mean cell volume), MCH (mean cell hemoglobin).
ERYTHROPOIESIS: The manufacturing of red blood cells.
ERYTHROPOIETIN: Antianemic, hematinic (orphan: anemia of end-stage renal disease or HIV, myelodysplastic syndrome).
ESCHAR: Thick crust (coagulated) which develops following cauterization.
ESL: Abbreviation for "Extensor Hallucis Longus".
ESOPHAG / O: A combining word-form which means "esophagus".
ESOPHAGEAL: Referring to the esophagus.
ESOPHAGEAL VARICES: Varicose veins in the esophagus which become irritated by passing food ... typically caused by liver problems due to cirrhosis.
ESOPHAGECTOMY: The surgical removal of an area of the esophagus.
ESOPHAGITIS: Esophageal inflammation.
ESOPHAGOMALACIA: A softening of the walls of the esophagus.
ESOPHAGOSCOPY: Inspection of the esophagus via an instrument with a camera and light.
ESOPHAGRAM: X-ray of the esophagus.
ESOPHAGUS: A muscular tube that measures between 7-10 inches in length and connects the mouth with the stomach. See "nutcracker esophagus"; "esophagus achalasia".
ESOPHAGUS ACHALASIA: An ailment which targets the "swallowing tube" (esophagus) muscles. Food sticks in the esophagus and swallowing becomes an ordeal. Treatments include using a balloon to dilate the low end of the "swallowing tube". Also, the drug Botox is being used to relax the muscles. Nitrates used to alleviate chest pain due to angina will sometimes relax the muscles to allow food to move into the stomach.
ESR: Abbreviation for "erythrocyte sedimentation rate".
ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION: High blood pressure not caused by disease.
ESSENTIAL THROMBOCYTHEMIA: An increased amount of platelets in the blood with no apparent reason.
ESSENTIAL TREMOR: Family based affliction that can cause the hands and head to shake (making the voice quiver). Beta-blockers like Inderal can be taken to alleviate.
ESTER: An ester is formed by removing water from an alcohol and acid.
ESTROGEN: Female hormone that promotes the growth of the uterine lining. Without it, tissues of the urinary tract and genitals decrease in size that can lead to a leaking bladder. Undesirable side effects can include high blood pressure, blood clots, breast lumps, tumors and fibroids. Estrogen pills are the typical method of treating menopausal night sweats, hot flashes and mood swings in the year 2000. They are not to be used by woman who are at high risk for breast cancer. It is a most effective treatment to preserve bone strength. Also see "phytoestrogen".
ESTRUS: The sex cycle of the female.
ESV: Abbreviation for ... "esophageal valve".
ET: Abbreviation for ... "endotracheal tube".
ETA: Abbreviation for ... "estimated time of arrival".
ETHANOL: Alcohol ... grain alcohol produced from carbohydrates via fermentation.
ETHER: Anesthetic (liquid of organic origin).
ETHIBOND: Type of suture.
ETHMOID: Relating to a bone of the skull; pertaining to the ethmoid sinuses.
ETHMOID AIR CELLS: Air filled cells located in the ethmoid labyrinth.
ETIOLOGY: Science and study of the causes of diseases and their mode of operation.
ETOH: Lab test. Ethyl alcohol (consumption, dependency).
ET TUBE: Endotracheal tube.
EU-: A prefix (word part) meaning "good" or "well".
EUGENICS: The study of inherited qualities.
EUNUCH: A male who has been castrated.
EUPHORIA: A feeling of wellness.
EUPNEA: Normal, free breathing (under restful conditions).
EUSTACHIAN TUBE: Mucous-lined, narrow tube which joins the nose and throat with the inner ear.
EUSTACHITIS: Inflamed mucous membrane of the eustachian tube.
EUTHYMIA: Mental peace of mind ... joy.
EUTHYMIC: Characterized by "euthymia".
EUTHYROID: Having thyroid functioning that is normal.
EUTHROID HYPOMETABOLISM: A syndrome similar to myxedema (a type of "cretinism" ... retardation, goiter, dry skin and hair which is coarse) but with a normal thyroid.
EUTHYROID SICK SYNDROME: Abnormal thyroid test results that occur in systemic diseases.
EVEREST BIPOLAR CAUTERY DEVICE: Surgical instrument ... Currently being researched.
EVERSION: Turning inside out.
EVERT: To turn outward.
EVISCERATION: To remove an inner part.
EX-: A prefix (word part) meaning "out" or "outside".
EXACERBATION: Increase in the seriousness of a disease.
EXANTHEM: Skin eruption due to acute viral or coccal disease i.e., measles, scarlet fever.
EXANTHEM SUBITUM: Also called "roseola". It is a childhood disease which strikes between the ages of six months and 2-years. At first a fever develops for 3-5 days combined with a feeling of listlessness. Following that, the child feels more energetic but a red rash develops. This is a strange disease in that symptoms appear separately.
EXANTHEMA: See "exanthem".
EXANTHESIS ARTHROSIA: Also called ... "aden fever", "bouquet fever", breakbone fever", "dandy fever", "date fever", "dengue fever", "dengue", "polka fever", "scarlatina rheumatica", "solar fever". A viral disease which exists in tropical and subtropical areas of the world ... transmitted by mosquitos. Grade I symptoms are fever and general constitutional problems. Grade II symptoms are the same as Grade I but with spontaneous bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, gums and skin. Grade III symptoms are the same as the first two but with circulatory failure added. Grade IV symptoms add to the first three profound shock.
EXCIPIENT: Typically an inert ingredient added to dilute a drug.
EXCISION: Removal.
EX (O)-: A prefix (word part) meaning "outside" or "outward".
EXCORIATION: A scratch or abrasion to the skin.
EXCURSION: Turning inside out.
EXETER STANDARD STEM: Surgical instrument / aid.
EXFOLIATION: The shedding of cells.
EXOCRINE GLANDS: Ducted glands that excrete hormones to specific areas.
EXODONTIA: Extraction of a tooth.
EXOGENOUS: Originating from outside the body.
EXON: A part of DNA that is involved with programming messenger RNA from DNA.
EXOPHTHALMOS: A bulging of the eyes which can be caused by an over active thyroid gland.
EXOSTOSIS: Cartilage-capped bony projection arising from any bone that develops from cartilage.
EXOTERIC: Developing outside the organism.
EXPECTORANT: A medication which decreases the density of sputum (dilutes) and encourages expelling of mucus from the respiratory tract.
EXPRESSIVE APHASIA: Inability or impairment of speech.
EXTENSOR: One of the muscles of the forearm or the calf of the leg.
EXTENSOR HALLUCES LONGUS: The lower leg muscle.
EXTERNAL OBLIQUE: Lower eight ribs.
EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCT OBSTRUCTION: Also called ... "surgical jaundice". A blockage which impedes the flow of bile through the cystic bile duct, common bile duct, cystic bile duct or Vater's ampulla.
EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS: Passageways that transport bile outside of the liver ... examples include: the common bile duct, common hepatic duct.
EXTRAPYRAMIDAL: Referring to the nerves and fiber that coordinate and control.
EXTRASYSTOLE: A heart contraction which interferes with normal rhythm.
EXTRAVASATION: The escape of fluid into tissue.
EXTRICATE: To release.
EXTRINSIC: External.
EXTUBATION: The insertion of a tube from the body.
EXUDATE: 1. The liquid that oozes out of inflamed areas. 2. A fluid that flows from body tissue, typically due to injury or inflammation. An example is the fluid that exudes from an abrasion (an injury which rubs off a surface area of skin to result in a bleeding surface) to eventually crust over to become a scab.
EYE GROUNDS: The fundus of the eye as seen with an ophthalmoscope. It is the inside (rear) of the eye that is seen by looking through the pupil.
EYETOOTH: An upper canine tooth.
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