LA: Abbreviation for ... "long acting".
LABI / O: A combining word-form that means "lips".
LABIAL: Referring to a "lip".
LABILE: Unsteady.
LABILITY: Not stable.
LABIOLINGUAL: Referring to the tongue and lips.
LABILE: Not steady, not fixed. Free and uncontrolled mood or behavioral expression of emotions.
LABOR: The process by which an infant is delivered from the mothers body. At the start of labor the muscles of the uterus tense up and then relax ... this process increases in frequency as the labor progresses. At the commencement of labor the cervix is open approximately 0.5 to 0.75 inches. A mucus plug is present at this opening and is expelled when the baby presses against the cervix by the contractions. As the process continues, the cervix opens to approximately four inches wide. Next, a discharge of water indicates that the "bag of waters" has broken.
LABOR PAINS: Pain brought about by the contractions of the uterus during childbirth.
LABRUM: Currently being researched.
LABYRINTH: Another name for the internal ear which transmits sound to the brain and functions as the bodies gyroscope to keep people in balance.
LABYRINTHITIS: Inflammation of the fluid filled canals of the inner ear ... typically resulting from a viral infection. Symptoms include dizziness and imbalance. Motion sickness medications are usually prescribed.
LAC: Milk.
LACERATION: A torn, ragged wound ... this type of wound is usually made by a blunt object as opposed to a clean cut created by a knife or other sharp object.
LACERTUS: The muscle area of the arm.
LACRIMAL GLANDS: Responsible for producing tears.
LACRIMATION: Continuing secretion of tears by the lacrimal glands of the eyes; crying; weeping.
LACTASE: An enzyme required by the body to digest milk sugar ... intestinal gas results in those who lack this enzyme. Foods can be purchased that are treated with lactase. Also, pills are available for the use prior to ingesting dairy products.
LACTATION: The process of milk production by the breast(s).
LACTEAL: Referring to milk.
LACTIC ACID: The byproduct of incomplete combustion of muscle sugar ... associated with muscle fatigue.
LACTIC DEHYDROGENASE: An enzyme that is sometimes used as a "marker" for heart attack and high levels are associated with malignancies of the liver.
LACTIFUGE: A substance which inhibits the manufacture of milk.
LACTIN: Another name for "lactose sugar".
LACTOBACILLI: Bacteria which converts lactose into lactic acid. The effect can be seen when milk sours. These bacteria are often referred to as "friendly bacteria" and can be found in the colon where they fight certain diseases and aid the process of digestion. There are two species that can be performed to replenish depleted supplies ... L. Acidophilus and L. Bifidus.
LACTOLIN: Condensed milk.
LACTOSE: Milk sugar. Lactose cannot be broken down by the body and is first broken down into galactose and glucose.
LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: A common situation in which the body does not manufacture an adequate amount of lactase to absorb the lactose in milk and products made from it. Typical symptoms include cramps and diarrhea following the consumption of dairy products.
LACTOBACILLUS: Bacteria that help protect the vagina from infection.
LACTOSE: Milk sugar.
LACTOTHERAPY: Treatment of an ailment using a milk diet.
LACUNA: A small space or cavity.
LACUNAR: Relating to a lacuna.
LAD: Abbreviation for ... "left anterior descending" (coronary artery)
LAD STENT: A slender rod usually made from metal which is placed in the "left anterior descending" (coronary artery) to provide support and keep it open.
"portal cirrhosis". Hardening of liver tissue that compresses the lobules, distorts the liver and impedes it from performing it's many tasks to result in hobnail liver.
LAITY: Common people ... non-professionals.
LALOPATHY: Speech impairment.
LAMINA: A thin layer.
LAMINA PAPYRACEA: The orbital plate of the ethmoid bone.
LAMINATED: Consisting of thin layers.
LAMINECTOMY: Excision of a vertebral lamina.
LANCET: A small instrument that resembles a knife and is used to puncture.
LANGUOR: Listlessness, fatigue, tiredness.
LANUGO: The hair which covers an infant prior to birth.
LAP: Abbreviation for "Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase".
LAPAROSCOPE: An examining instrument used to examine the abdominal cavity and it's organs.
LAPARAOSCOPY: The examination of the abdominal cavity using a device that resembles a hollow tube containing a light. Carbon dioxide gas is injected to cause the abdomen to swell, creating a space to work for surgeons. There is a question as to whether laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer can actually cause new tumors to develop.
LAPAROTOMY: Surgical incision through the flank; more generally abdominal section at any point to gain access to the peritoneal cavity.
LAPIS: Stone.
LAP SPONGE: Surgical instrument / aid.
LARDACEOUS LIVER: A degeneration of the starch like protein "amyloid" within the liver.
LARGE INTESTINE: The portion of the intestines that is subdivided into the appendix, colon, cecum, colon, anus and rectum.
LARYNG / O: A combining word-form that means "voice box" (larynx).
LARYNGECTOMY: The act of removing the voice box (larynx) by surgical means. Speech of surprisingly high quality can be learned following this procedure by a technique known as "esophageal speech" which uses air that has been swallowed.
LARYNGISMUS: Spasm of the larynx.
LARYNGITIS: An inflammation of the voice box (larynx). Symptoms include hoarseness, sore throat, tickling of the throat, cough, etcetera. It can be caused by smoking, growth on the larynx, voice abuse, etcetera.
LARYNGOPARALYSIS: Larynx paralysis.
LARYNGOSTOME: A permanent tracheostomy.
LARYNX: The tube shaped organ that produces voice and resides between the pharynx and trachea. It has nine cartilages one of which is the epiglottis.
LASECUE: Sign, syndrome.
LASIK: Abbreviation for "laser in-situ keratomileusis" ... a laser procedure to correct near sightedness.
LASA FEVER: An infection found in Africa that results in fevers up to 107.0 combined with intense muscle pain. Note that the death rate is very high.
LASSITUDE: Exhaustion ... general weakness.
LATENCY: The phenomenon whereby a virus remains dormant for a period of time prior to replicating in the host cells. Some viruses can remain dormant over many years and cause periodic infections.
LATENT: Not apparent ... hidden
LATERAL: 1. Referring to the "side". 2. Situated or occurring on the outside.
LATERALIZATION: The tendency for certain processes to be more highly developed on one side of the brain than the other.
LATER / O: A combining word-form that means "side".
LATEROVERSION: Turned to the side.
LATTISSIMUS: The widest portion.
LATTISSIMUS DORSI: Muscle of the back.
LAUGHING GAS: Nitrous oxide.
LAVAGE: An irrigation or washing out of an organ (like the stomach or bowel).
LAX: Deficient of tension.
LAXATIVE: An agent that causes a purging of the bowels. It has been found that chronic use of laxatives causes an impairment of the normal functioning of the bowels. Studies in mice have revealed the intestinal nerves begin to degenerate after approximately four months of use. Current thought (year 2000) says that to establish a healthy bowel routine one should opt for a healthy diet with lot's of fiber in it. Bowel movements are typically triggered by a full stomach and a hot drink.
LAZARETTO: A place to treat contagious diseases.
LDH: Abbreviation for
"lactic Dehydrogenase".
LDL: Abbreviation for ... "Low density lipoprotein" which is believed to be the main instigator of atherosclerosis. LDL cholesterol is commonly called "bad cholesterol".
LDL-C: Abbreviation for
"low density lipoprotein cholesterol.
LDLP: Abbreviation for ... "low density lipoprotein".
LDS: Abbreviation for ... "liver damage score".
LEAD POISONING: A state of toxicity caused by the ingestion of lead. Symptoms include damage to the central nervous system the extent of which is due to the amount of exposure.
LEAP PROCEDURE: Procedure for cervical cancer.
LECHOPYRA: Fever of a child at birth.
LECITHIN: Waxy substances which are typically yellow or brown in color which is necessary for the metabolism of fats and foods. Found in nerve tissues like the myelin sheaths. It is an essential component of animal cells. It is known to induce energy and is required to assist in the repair of the liver due to alcoholism.
LEEP: Abbreviation for ... "loop electrocautery excision" procedure (cervix).
LEFT SHIFT: The degree of lobulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophil (is believed to give an indication of cell age).
LEGIONELLA: Gram negative bacilli. It is the cause of an unusual pneumonia called Legionnaires' disease.
LEIOMYOMA: Benign muscle tumor typically located in internal organs.
LEIPHEMIA: Thinned blood.
LEMIC: Referring to an epidemic disease.
LEMOLOGY: Epidemic disease investigations (studies).
LEMOSTENOSIS: An abnormal narrowing of the esophagus.
LENS: Structure of the eye that is located behind the pupil of the eye ... shaped like as egg. It focuses light on the retina. Lenses can be removed and substituted with an artificial one in a fast and painless procedure.
LENTICULAR: Resembling a lens.
LENTI-FORMED: Resembling a lens.
LENTIGINES: A small, colored, flat area of the skin that is brown in color and resembles a freckle. The border is typically regular in shape. Scattered melanocytes are seen in the basal cell layers.
LENTIGO: A small, colored, flat area of the skin that is brown in color and resembles a freckle. The border is typically regular in shape. Scattered melanocytes are seen in the basal cell layers.
LENTIGO SENILIS: Dark, pigmented, spots (evenly colored) which occurs in people aged around 50 and over. Also called "liver spots", "age spots".
LENTITIS: Inflammation of the lens of the eye.
LEPROSARIUM: An area reserved for the care of lepers.
LEPROSY: An infectious disease that is not highly contagious ... caused by the Mycobacterium leprae microorganism. Two types of leprosy exist ... "nodular" and "neural". Nodular results in distortions to tissues caused by masses of nodules. The "neural" type affects nerves that can cause numbness and loss of bone and tissue. Chemotherapy treatment is usually more effective for the "neural" type. Sulpone-class drugs and dapsone are often used and can take as many as five years to enact a cure.
LESEGUE'S: Sign, syndrome, and disease.
LESION: Wound ... injury ... tumor that causes a pathological change in tissues.
LESSER OMENTUM: A portion of the peritoneum that supports hepatic vessels ... it is attached to the liver and lesser curvature of the stomach.
LETHARGY: Lacking energy.
L.E.T.: A combination of drugs for anesthesia ... Lidocaine, epinephrine, tetracaine.
LEUCINE: One of the essential amino acids that are required for optimal infant growth and the equilibrium of nitrogen in adults.
LEUCOMA: Currently being researched.
LEUCOTOMY: Type of brain operation.
LEUKEMIA: White blood cell cancer that grows in the bone marrow. This type of cancer crowds out the normal cells resulting in bone marrow that cannot produce what it needs. With leukemia there is a massive increase of white blood cells that do not mature and are unable to fight infections. The abnormal cells resemble cancer cells but are different in that they not only appear in tissues (as does traditional cancer) but also the blood and the bone marrow. It has been shown that radiation can cause this disease that can occur at any age. There are two types of leukemia ... chronic, acute and subacute. There are two types of chronic leukemia ... the first develops in the lymph system (commonly affecting 45-54 year olds) while the other appears in the bone marrow (commonly affecting 35-45 year olds). The "chronic" type is seldom seen in children and inflicts males much more than females. It is slow acting and years can go by before symptoms start occurring. Symptoms can include an enlarged spleen, weight loss, sweats, hemorrhages, anemia, etcetera. "Acute" leukemia typically affects children, which begins with cold-like symptoms ... without treatment death can occur rapidly (within weeks or months). The "subacute" type of leukemia has many of the characteristics of the other types and is more difficult to predict the outcomes. A diagnosis can be made with laboratory testing of blood and bone marrow.
LEUKOBLAST: A white blood cell that has not matured.
LEUKOCYTE: White blood cell.
LEUKOCYTHEMIA: Another name for leukemia.
LEUKOCYTIC: Referring to white blood cells.
LEUKOCYTOCLASTIC VASCULITIS: A condition in which white blood cells (leukocytes) have invaded blood vessels and leave debris in their wake. The immune system attacks and the skin may break out with blisters, bruises, small bumps or dots on the skin. Treatment is often the cortisone drug "prednisone".
LEUKOCYTOSIS: Abnormally large number of leukocytes, usually caused by infections.
LEUKODERMIA: White patches of skin due to a deficiency of skin pigmentation in those areas.
LEUKOPENIA: A deficiency of white blood cells.
LEUKOPLAKIA: An area of skin that turns thick and white following constant irritation.
LEUKORRHEA: Discharge from the uterus that is white in color.
LEVATOR: A muscle that raises a part of the body.
LEVEL OF SERVICE: Designated at hospitals with roman numerals to indicate the severity of care.
LeVeen SHUNT: A tube (plastic) that connects the jugular vein to the abdomen to the superior vena cava.
LEVIN TUBE: A tube that passes from the nose to the stomach to the duodenum (first section of the small intestines measuring approximately 10 inches in length).
LEVODUCTION: Eye movement to the left.
LFT: Abbreviation for "liver function test".
LICE: See "louse", "head lice".
LICHEN: A generic term for "skin disease".
LICHENIFICATION: Thickening of skin.
LICHEN PLANUS: A skin condition which often has unknown etiology. Small, slightly raised patches of skin that are purple. Common areas of the body are the wrists, ankles, forearms mouth, genitals, gums and tongues though the condition can occur anywhere on the body. Sometimes it is associated with ulcerative colitis, hepatitis C, rheumatoid arthritis.
LIEN: Another word for spleen.
LIENAL: Referring to the "spleen".
LIENECTOMY: Removing of the spleen by surgical procedure.
LIENITIS: An inflamed spleen.
LIGAMENT: Special tissue (fibrous) which connects the ends of bones.
LIGAMENTOUS: Referring to a ligament.
LIGAMENTUM VENOSUM: Also called ... "venous ligament", "ligamentum ductus venosi", "Arantius' ligament". A tissue cord that is connected to the liver
LIGAND: An organic molecule attached to a metal ion.
LIGATION: Tying off a blood vessel ... duct.
LIGATURE: A thread used to tie or bind vessels.
LIMA: Abbreviation for "left anterior descending (coronary artery).
LIMBS: Legs or arms.
LIMBIC SYSTEM: Various structures located in the brain that convey pain and the emotions associated with it.
LIMBUS: The edge or border of a part.
LIMINAL: Superficial, can barely be seen.
LINAMENT: A substance that is typically rubbed into the skin to alleviate pain from bruises and sprains.
LINEA ALBA: A band of fiber extending vertically along the length of the anterior (front) wall of the abdomen.
LINGISM: Exercise treatment.
LINGUA: Tongue.
LINGUAL: Referring to some aspect of the tongue.
LINIMENT: A substance that is rubbed onto the skin to alleviate pain.
LINOLEIC ACID: Found in plant oil. It has a tendency to lower blood cholesterol.
LIP / O: A combining word-form that means "lipid (fat).
LIPASE: Enzyme that hydrolyzes a fatty acyl group from a neutral fat or phospholipid. Elevated amounts of lipase (and amylase) in blood tests suggest pancreatitis.
LIPEMIA: A condition of having fat in the blood.
LIPID: Substances that are soluble in the same solvents as oils and fats. Beneficial nutritional substances include choline, gamma-linolenic acid, inositol, lecithin and linoleic acid.
LIPIDURIA: The presence of lipids (fats) in a urine sample.
LIPOCYTE: A "fat cell"
LIPODYSTROPHY: Problem with the metabolism of fats.
LIPOGENIC: That which manufactures fat.
LIPOIC ACID: A coenzyme that contains sulfur. It is considered a powerful antioxidant and is used in the manufacture of energy in the body.
LIPOMA: A benign tumor composed of fat cells.
LIPOPROTEIN: A combination of fat and protein molecules.
LIPOPROTEIN-A: Properly spelled "lipoprotein-a" ... it contains both LDL cholesterol (the bad type) and a protein that may promote clotting.
LIPOSARCOMA: Malignant tumor that comprises immature fat cells.
LIPOSOME: A globule of fat or oil.
LIQ: Abbreviation for ... "left inner quadrant".
LIQUEFACTION: The changing of gas into a liquid.
LISTERISM: Principles guiding the antiseptic portion of surgeries.
LITH / O: A combining word-form that means "stone".
LITHIASIS: Another word for "stone" in the body, i.e., kidney stones.
LITHOGENOUS: Having to do with the formation of stones within the body.
LITHOTOMY: A position in which the patient has feet elevated in a supine position.
LITHOTRIPSY: Pulverizing a stone in the urethra or bladder.
LITMUS PAPER: A piece of paper impregnated with chemicals used to test the acidity of a substance. The paper turns blue when exposed to acid and red when exposed to an alkali (base).
LITTER: Another word for "stretcher".
LITTLE'S AREA: Also called ... "Kiesselbach's area" or "Kiesselbach triangle". It is an area of the anterior part of the nasal septum.
LIVEDO: Bluish decoloration of skin.
LIVER: The largest gland and largest solid organ within the body that weighs approximately four pounds. It is located on the right side of the body, behind the lower ribs. It is the only internal organ that will rebuild itself following damage. As much as 25% to 50% of it can be removed and it will still regenerate itself 100%. The liver has a multitude of functions with the primary being the excretion of bile that is required to digest fats. It also metabolizes food, detoxifies the blood and produces proteins and clotting factors.
LIVER GLYCOGEN: "Muscle sugar" (which breaks down to give energy required for muscle contractions) stored in the liver.
LIVER SPOTS: Dark, pigmented, spots (evenly colored) which occur in people aged around 50 and over. Also called "age spots", "lentigo senilis".
LIVIDITY: The quality of being discolored black and blue, often from congestion or contusion.
LLOYD'S: Lloyd's reagent is used in the determination of alkaloids.
LLQ: Abbreviation for ... "left lower quadrant".
LMP: Abbreviation for "Last Menstrual Period".
LOBE: A portion of an organ that resembles a "globe".
LOBECTOMY: The removal of a lobe of an organ by surgical means.
LOBOTOMY: Surgical cutting of brain tissue.
LOBUS CAUDATUS: Also called ... "lobus caudatus" ... "pigelian lobe". One of the lobes of the liver located next to the inferior vena cava and connected to the right lobe.
LOCALIZATION: The pinpointing of an infection to a specific area.
LOCHIA: A discharge from the vagina that follows childbirth. After the first week following birth the discharge alters in color from bright red to dark. The discharge can continue a while longer and usually turns white or yellow.
LOCKJAW: Another word for "tetanus".
LOCULATE: Divided into loculi.
LOCULI: See "loculus".
LOCULUS: A small space or cavity.
LOCUS: A place that a gene occupies on a chromosome "lod score".
LOD SCORE: A number (logarithm, base 10) which is used to calculate the odds in favor of genetic linkages.
LOGOPEDIA: The study of speech defects.
-LOGY: A suffix that means ... "the study of".
LOIN: The area of the back that exists between the pelvis and thorax.
LONGUS COLLI MUSCLE: The long muscle of the neck.
LORDOSIS: Spinal curvature ... increased amount of forward curvature.
LOUPE: A lens that is convex in shape.
LOUSE: A parasite that causes ... head lice ... body lice ... pubic (crab) lice. Causes of body infestations are typically uncleanliness and contact with and infected person. The lice themselves seldom cause major problems. However, the itching can result in skin lesions and become infected.
LOWER ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER: Muscle located where the stomach and esophagus meet ... functions much like a one-way valve to allow food entry into the stomach but does not allow a backflow from the stomach to the esophagus.
LOWER GI SERIES: Also called a ... "barium enema" A series of X-ray films which is used to visualize the colon following the insertion of a barium solution in the form of an enema.
LOXIA: Another word for "wry neck".
LOXOTIC: On a slant.
LOZENGES: Cough drop like products that are dissolved in the mouth.
LP: A test that requires a drawing and analysis of spinal fluid ... abbreviation for "lumbar puncture".
LR: Abbreviation for "lactated ringers".
LSD: An illegal drug classified as a hallucinogen. It has been described as the most powerful drug know to man due to the minute amounts that are required to cause effects. The drug is characterized by distortions of the physical senses and unpredictable mental reactions.
LTH: Abbreviation for ... "luteotropic hormone".
L-THYROXINE: A hormone manufactured by the thyroid.
LUBB-DUPP: A term used to describe the sounds that a doctor hears when listening to the heart.
LUES: Another word for syphilis.
LUMBAGO: Pain in the lower back region (loin).
LUMBAR: Referring to the loin area of the lower back.
LUMBOSACRAL: Lumbar/sacrum.
LUMBRICAL MUSCLE OF THE HAND: Four muscles of the hand.
LUMBRICAL MUSCLE OF THE FOOT: Four muscles of the foot.
LUMBRICOID: A parasitic worm.
LUMEN: The inner space of a tubular shaped structure like an intestine or artery.
LUNATE: One of the bones of the wrist.
LUNG: One of the two soft, elastic organs that transfer oxygen into the blood via the "windpipe". Each lung is surrounded by the "pleura" and located within the chest cavity. The two lungs are not identical ... the left lung has two lobes while the right one has three.
LUNG DISEASE: Chronic obstructive.
LUNULA: The white area at the base of the fingernail shaped like half of a moon.
LUPUS: A word used to describe skin erosion ... it is also used to describe various diseases. Usually a connective tissue disease in which the immune system turns against the body ... cause unknown.
LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS: Sometimes referred to as "systemic lupus erythematosus". There are two types, 1) systemic lupus erythematosus. 2) Discoid lupus erythematosus. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system turns against the body and attacks connective tissue.
LUQ: Abbreviation for ... "left upper quadrant".
LUTEIN: A substance that protects the eye from ultraviolet radiation. Found in spinach, orange juice, green/leafy vegetables, corn, egg yolks, kiwi, zucchini, collard greens, and seedless red grapes.
LUXATED JOINT: Condition of being completely out of joint.
LUXATION: Dislocation.
LYCOPENE: A carotenoid that may treat and prevent prostate cancer. High concentrations are found in processed tomato products such as ketchup. Lycopene is deposited in the liver, lungs, prostate gland, colon and skin.
LYMPH: The clear liquid that circulates throughout the body in a special system of vessels whose function it is to nourish tissue and remove waste materials via the filtering action of lymph glands.
LYMPHADENITIS: Swollen lymph glands ... lymph gland inflammation.
LYMPHADENOPATHY: Any disease that affects lymph nodes, lymph vessels, etcetera.
LYMPHANGITIS: Inflamed lymphatic vessel.
LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: The organs and tissues that make up the immunity system ... bone marrow, lymph nodes, lymph vessels, spleen and the thymus.
LYMPHATIC TISSUE: Specialized tissues of the body that contain many lymphocytes.
LYMPH FLUID: Bathes and feeds all body cells. Lymph vessels are similar to blood vessel.
LYMPH GLANDS: See "lymph nodes".
LYMPH NODES: The human body has more than 600 lymph nodes (sometimes called "glands"). Their purpose is to be a filtration system for harmful elements. For example, a sore throat will typically increase the size of lymph nodes in the neck because they are trapping germs and preventing them from migrating to other body sites. Nodes can also enlarge when cancer cells spread to them. A node that is filled with cancer is typically rock hard and firm. Enlarged nodes that are non-cancerous are typically soft, tender and are moveable. When nodes are larger than one centimeter they are considered "suspicious for cancer". Also, nodes that are enlarged for a period of time (greater than one month) are also suspect for cancer. It is interesting to note that lymph nodes do not recognize cancer cells as enemies ... in fact, they actually provide them with a place to flourish.
LYMPHOCYTES: One variety of five types of white blood cells that makes up between 16-45 percent of total white blood cell count. They are found in blood, lymph, lymph nodes, tonsils, bone marrow and other specialized tissues. Categories include B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, null lymphocytes (non-B, non-T). These cells are required for the production of antibodies and are involved in the attack on invading organisms. A total count of less than 1,500 is considered deficient. Lymphocytes are manufactured in many areas of the body including ... lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, spleen, Peyer's patches and bone marrow.
LYMPHOCYTIC: Related to white blood cells.
LYMPHOMA: Cancer of the lymphatic tissues (lymph nodes and lymphocytes). Lymphomas are categorized in two categories ... 1) Hodgkin's disease. 2) Non-Hodgkin's.
LYMPHOPOIESIS: The manufacture of lymphocytes.
LYSEMIA: A break down of blood.
LYSINE: An essential amino acid. It is related to tissue repair, growth, hormone production, antibodies and enzymes. May be an effective against migraines and herpes simplex. A lack of lysine can cause anemia, bloodshot eyes, problems with concentration, hair loss, lack of energy, irritability.
-LYSIS: A suffix which means ... "destruction".
LYSIS: Destruction.
LYSIS OF ADHESIONS: The destruction of scar tissue that binds internal body structures (adhesions).
LYSOSOME: Structures that exist inside cells that manufacture enzymes for breaking down organic materials such as bacteria.
LYSSA: Another word for "rabies".
LYTES: Abbreviated term referring to electrolytes.
LYTIC: Refers to lysis (destruction).
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