WAGNER'S DISEASE: Hyaloideoretinal degeneration.
WALDENSTRM'S MACROGLOBULINEMIA: Increased levels of macroglobulins in the circulatory blood.
WALLEYE: A type of strabismus in which one or both eyes turn outward.
WANDERING LIVER: A liver that moves in the abdominal cavity.
WANGENSTEEN TUBE: A tube to provide drainage of the gastrointestinal tract. ... it is inserted through the nostrils and pharynx to the stomach.
WARD'S TRIANGLE: An area of decreased density in the fiber bundles that support the neck of the thigh bone (femur) ...as seen on x-ray.
WARTHIN'S TUMOR: Also called ... "adenolymphoma". A benign tumor of the parotid gland.
WARTS: Caused by the human papillomavirus (which resides in the skin). The virus leaves two-thirds of its victims after approximately two years. Treatments include medications which contain salicylic acid (Duofilm Liquid Wart Remover or Occlusal-HP) ... tapes (apply several layers of water proof tape and leave for 6.5 days) ... oral tablets (Cimetidine) ... freezing (with liquid nitrogen).
WASSERMAN TEST: A blood test to determine the presence of syphilis.
WATER HAMMER PULSE: A pulse that is likened to a quick and forceful upstroke.
WATER OF THE KNEE: A condition of fluid collection due to inflammation of the membrane of the knee.
WAXY LIVER: A degeneration of the starch like protein "amyloid" within the liver.
WBC: Abbreviation for ... "white blood cell count". A representation of all the lymphocytes, granulocytes and monocytes in a unit of whole blood.
WEBER-CHRISTIAN DISEASE: Also called ... "Nodular Panniculitis". Symptoms include bumps on the legs and buttocks that are actually inflamed fat located beneath the surface of the skin. Flare-ups typically occur for 2-3 weeks and often result in scarring. Remission occurs for many in a few months to a few years. Anti-inflammatory drugs like Prednisone can counteract the inflammation.
WEBER'S SIGN / SYNDROME: Lesion in the mid brain region resulting in paralysis of the face, tongue and extremities.
WEEPING: Fluid leakage as in a scratch or abrasion to the skin.
WEGENER'S GRANULOMATOSIS: Little is known about how this disease causes inflamed blood vessels of the above tissues and organs. Affected organs can vary greatly and therefore symptoms are just as varied. The lungs are commonly attacked and can produce symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and blood in sputum. Also, the eyes, joints, heart, nerves, nose, sinuses, kidneys can be involved. In the past this disease killed 90% of its victims but today (year 2000) the cortisone drugs and cyclophosphamide has reversed that and 75% of cases have a remission of all symptoms. It is noted that the illness can recur.
WEIGHTED SPECULUM: Surgical instrument.
WESTERN BLOT ASSAY: A blood test that analyzes proteins to determine is a virus is present.
WEST NILE VIRUS: The disease is an infection of the brain that can be transmitted to humans by mosquitoes that have bitten infected birds. Most people who become infected with West Nile virus will either never get sick or develop flu-like symptoms. But the disease can be deadly for those with weakened immune systems and the elderly. It was previously thought that crows were the common carrier, however, it is now known that the virus affects 63 or more different species of birds. It is unknown whether the virus can be transferred directly from bird to man.
WET MACULAR DEGENERATION: An eye condition that results in loss of vision due to abnormally increased growth of retinal blood vessels. Laser treatments are used to seal the vessels that are leaking.
WEST NILE VIRUS: A mosquito-transmitted disease that causes fever, headache, stiff necks, disorientation and tremors. Most people who are infected become only mildly sick but the infections have been known to kill. In the year 2000 there are no treatments to combat the virus. The West Nile Virus leaves a trail of dead cows and blue jays in its path ... humans and other fowls can then become infected.
WHARTON'S DUCT: Submandibular.
WHEAL: An individual patch of itchy skin that is round, elevated and red.
WHEEZE: A sound detected by listening to the chest ... it indicates a problem with the lungs.
WHIPPLE'S DISEASE: Rare ailment ... symptoms include steatorrhea (fats is stool), lymphadenopathy, arthritis, fever, cough.
WHIPPLE'S OPERATION: Pancreatoduodenectomy.
WHITE BLOOD CELLS: Blood cells that defend the body against disease ... also called leukocytes. They come in five varieties, neutrophils, lymphocytes ...
WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT: The measurements of the number of white blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood. A normal range is between 4,300 and 10,500.
WHITE BLOOD CELL DIFFERENTIAL: A percentage of the different types of white blood cells contained in a sample of blood.
WHITE COAT HYPERTENSION: An abnormally high blood pressure reading caused by the anxiety of seeing a doctor. A realistic reading can be obtained with home blood pressure devices.
WHITE LEG: Caused by thrombosis of the leg ... symptoms include swelling and loss of skin color of the leg.
WHITE ZONE: ... of the knee. Currently being researched.
WHO: Abbreviation for ... "World Health Organization".
WHOOPING COUGH: Infectious disease. Symptoms include coughing episodes that includes whooping noises while gasping for breath.
WILLEBRAND'S DISEASE: See "von Willebrand's disease".
WILM'S TUMOR: A renal tumor typically seen in youngsters. It is malignant and made from various types of tissue including spindle cells and tubules.
WILSON'S DISEASE: An inherited disease in which a patient accumulates a toxic amount of copper in the brain, liver and other organs.
WISDOM TOOTH: The last tooth (posterior) on each side of the jaw.
WK: Correctly spelled ... "wk". Abbreviation for ... "week".
WOLFF-PARKINSON-WHITE SYNDROME: Heart disorder with an early contraction of part of the heart muscle.
WOOD'S LIGHT (FILTER, GLASS): Ultraviolet light from a mercury-vapor source ... transmitted through a nickel-oxide filter (wood's filter) which blocks most of the violet rays.
WORKUP: Diagnostic investigation(s) of a patients ailment via a variety of methods like x-rays, blood tests and patient history.
WOUNDS AND SUTURES: common terminology: ABD plain gauze dressing; Acrylic wrap bandage; Xeroform gauze dressing; Anesthetized with 1% buffered lidocaine; A-P mold; Biosyn sutures; Bulky dressing; Dexon; Draped sterilely; Closed in layers; Cotton; Continuous running suture; Cutting needles; Dacron; Dermalon sutures; Draped sterilely; Ethibond; Ethilon (4-0); Interrupted 6-0 nylon sutures for final skin closure; Interrupted 6-0 nylon sutures for the final skin closure; Kerlix dressing; Mepivacaine; Novofil; PDS (long lasting absorbable suture); Procaine; Proline; Rapid Vicryl sutures; Regional infiltration; Silk; Simple interrupted; Stainless steel wire; Suture marks (tracks); Taper needles; Tracks; Turban style dressing; Wounds: Anesthetized with 1% buffered lidocaine; 5-0 Vicryl;
WRIST DROP: Paralysis of extensor of the wrist.
WRYNECK: Also called "torticollis". Spasms cause the head to turn to one side.
WT: Correctly spelled ... "wt". Abbreviation for ... "weight".
W/V: Correctly spelled ... "w/v". Abbreviation for "weight in volume".
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