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V: Abbreviation for ... "vomiting".
VACCINE: An agent inserted into the body for the express purpose of producing antibodies and thus creating an immunization to that agent.
VAGAL: Pertaining to the vagus nerve.
VAGIN / O: A combining word-form that means "vagina".
VAGINA: The passage which connects the inner and outer sex organs of the female.
VAGINITIS: Vaginal inflammation.
VAGINOSIS: In bacterial vaginosis healthy lactobacillus bacteria are replaced by harmful bacteria causing the vagina to become alkaline. A fish odor and abundant white discharge are the symptoms. Common treatments are Clindamycin or vaginal metronidazole.
VAGINOVESICAL: Referring to the urinary bladder and vagina.
VAGOTOMY: Surgery for severing nerves of the stomach.
VAGOTONIA: A nerve complaint.
VAGUS: The 10th cranial nerve.
VALGUS: Bent or twisted outward ... bowlegged.
VALINE: An amino acid that is categorized as "essential". It is required for infant growth and equilibrium of nitrogen in adults. It also encourages muscle coordination and mental acuity.
VALLEY FEVER: Also called "coccidioidomycosis". It is a fungus common to Mexico and the Southwestern United States. It resides in soil and can make some people sick due to the inhalation of spores. Symptoms resemble a mild case of the flu for most. However, a small number of people develop serious infection that results in pneumonia, night sweats, muscle pain, joint pain, fever, and cough. Antifungal drugs are established by vein in serious cases.
VALPROIC ACID: A drug used to stop or prevent convulsions.
VALSALVA MANEUVER: Forcing expirations of breath with closed nose and mouth for purpose of inflating the eustachian tubes and middle ears. Used by people who are descending from high altitudes.
VALVULAR INSUFFICIENCY: Incomplete closure of a valve.
VAN DEN BERGH TEST: A test which detects bilirubin in the blood ... may indicate liver disease.
VARIANT ANGINA: Also called ... "Prinzmetal's angina". Results from different causes than angina pectoris. Usually strikes people in their 30's or 40's. Heart arteries constrict suddenly to block blood flow to the muscles of the heart. Variant angina occurs at rest and often wakens a person from sleep. Few people have disabling pain or suffer a heart attack.
VARICEAL: Referring to a "varix" (a dilated vein).
VARICELLA: Chickenpox.
VARICELLA - ZOSTER: A virus that causes chickenpox.
VARICOCELE: A mass if dilated, tortuous veins to the testicles which can result in male infertility. This disorder develops due to blood that pools and stagnates ... stretching the veins out of shape ... temperature rises and the manufacture of sperm decreases. A dull pain is sometimes noted. When this disorder is noted in middle and advanced age it can be an indication of kidney cancer.
VARICES: Dilated veins … plural of "varix".
VARICOSE VEINS: Abnormally swollen veins that usually occur in the legs. Pain and swelling can be relieved by compression hoses, elevation of the legs (as often as possible) and not remaining still for any great length of time. The veins can also be removed by a process called "sclerotherapy" ... injecting them with a solution which irritates their walls causing them to stick to each other which results in collapsing and withering away. Another option is surgery that involves the making of a small incision along the length of the vein and removing it in sections.
VARIOLA: Smallpox.
VARIX: A dilated (enlarged) vein.
VARUS: Bent or twisted inward.
VAS / (O): A combining word-form that means "vessel".
VAS: Passageway.
VASCULAR: Referring to blood vessels.
VASCULARITY: An abnormal condition of a blood vessel(s).
VASCULITIS: Inflammation of a blood vessel(s) … there are 15 distinct diseases.
VAS DEFERENS: The passageway located in the testes that transport semen.
VASECTOMY: A cutting of the vas deferens that is performed to sterilize males.
VASO: Refers to blood vessel dilation.
VASOCONSTRICTION: Small artery narrowing.
VASOCONSTRICTOR: That which causes blood vessels to narrow.
VASODEPRESSOR: That which causes blood vessels to relax thus lowering blood pressure.
VASODILATION: An increase in the diameter of blood vessels.
VASODILATOR: That which causes blood vessels to relax thus lowering blood pressure.
VASOMOTOR: Relating to blood flow.
VASOPRESSOR: A medication that raises blood pressure by narrowing the diameter of arterioles.
VASSOPRESSIN: Also called ... "antidiuretic hormone". Chemical produced by the pituitary gland ... it decreases the amount of water filtered by the kidneys into urine.
VASOVAGAL: Vaso (blood vessels) and vagal (vagus nerve). The term refers to the action of two mechanisms ... the vagus nerve on blood vessels.
VASOVAGAL SYNCOPE: Fainting which is caused by blood pooling in the legs to cause a decrease in the heart and brain. Blood circulation is restored when the person falls to the ground and a proper amount of blood returns to the heart and brain. Causes include fasting, heat pain and intense emotions. This type of fainting is not considered to be a serious condition.
VASTUS: Great musculus. Describes muscles.
VATER'S AMPULA: The enlarged area in the small, nipple-like process of the initial area of the intestines that receives the main pancreatic duct and the common bile duct.
VDRL: Abbreviation for "venereal disease research laboratory (test).
VECTOR: Something that transmits a parasite from one organism to another i.e. mosquitos.
VEIN: Blood vessels that transport blood to the heart.
VEN / O: A combining word-form that means "vein".
VENA CAVA: One of the two large veins that empty into the heart.
VENA PROTAE HEPATIS: Also called ... "portal vein", "hepatic protal vein". Vein formed by the splenic vein and the superior mesenteric vein that splits into a branchlike pattern within the liver.
VENEPUNCTURE: A procedure that typically involves the removal of blood by puncturing a vein.
VENEREAL: Referring to the sexual act.
VENEREAL DISEASE: A disease that is passed from person to person via sexual relations.
VENERY: A synonym for sexual intercourse.
VENESECTION: The removal of blood from a vein via a puncture.
VENEPUNCTURE: A surgical vein puncture.
VENIPUNCTURE: A procedure that typically involves the removal of blood by puncturing a vein.
VENOGRAM: A x-ray analysis of a vein in which a liquid contrast medium us used to enhance the pictures.
VENO-OCCLUSIVE: Referring to vein obstruction.
VENOUS: Referring to veins.
VENT: An opening into a canal or cavity through which the contents are discharged.
VENTILATOR: A device that assists a patient with breathing.
VENTRAL: A position toward the belly (front) of the body.
VENTRAL HERNIA: Hernia through the wall of the abdomen.
VENTRICLE: Term used for a cavity of the brain or heart. In the heart it is one wither the two lower chambers of the heart which contracts and pumps blood.
VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION: A potentially life threatening condition where the pumping chambers of the heart (ventricles) fail to contract normally ... preventing blood flow throughout the body. It should be noted that ventricular fibrillation is different than atrial fibrillation (seldom a threat to life).
VENTRICULAR SEPTUM: The wall of muscle that divides the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles).
VENTURI MASK: See section on "Oxygen Supplementation".
VERESS: Instrument-tool ... type of needle.
VERMIS: 1. Worm. 2. A structure which resembles a worm ... it is often used to refer to the vermis cerebelli of the brain.
VERNIX: A substance that forms on the fetus at approximately seven months of development. It is white and creamy.
VERULE: Tiny vein.
VERMIFORM: Something that resembles a worm in shape.
VERMIFUGE: A substance that destroys or repels worms of the intestines.
VERMILLION: Border of the lip.
VERRUCA PLANA SENILIS: A lesion that resembles a wart and is considered to be premalignant. It occurs in elderly, light skinned people on areas of the skin, which have been exposed to the sun (face and hands). A cutaneous horn sometimes develops. Squamous (scaly) cell carcinoma may result when left untreated. Synonyms are: actinic keratosis, senile keratoderma, senile keratoma, senile keratosis, keratosis senilis, senile wart, solar keratosis, verruca plana senilis, and verruca senilis.
VERRUCA SENILIS: A lesion that resembles a wart and is considered to be premalignant. It occurs in elderly, light skinned people on areas of the skin, which have been exposed to the sun (face and hands). A cutaneous horn sometimes develops. Squamous (scaly) cell carcinoma may result when left untreated. Synonyms are: actinic keratosis, senile keratoderma, senile keratoma, senile keratosis, keratosis senilis, senile wart, solar keratosis, verruca plana senilis, and verruca senilis.
VERRUCOSIS: Condition marked by multiple warts or verrucae.
VERTEBRA: One of the 33 bones of the backbone (spinal column).
VERTEBROPLASTY: A treatment for compression fractures of the spine. A cement like substance injected into a collapsed bone thus improving bone density and relieving pain.
VERTEX: The topmost point of the vault of the skull.
VERTIGO: Dizziness. A sense of motion. It is caused by a confusing signal sent to the brain by the inner ear.
VERTIBROBASILAR INSUFFICIENCY: See "Basilar Artery Insufficiency Syndrome".
VERTICAL TRANSMISSION: When an infection is transmitted from the mother to and unborn offspring.
VERTIGINOUS: Relating to or suffering from vertigo.
VESICA: Bladder.
VESICANT: Blistered.
VESICLE: A small sac containing liquid (blister).
VESICOUTERINE: Surgical term ... currently being researched.
VESICULAR: Relating to a vessel.
VESTIBULE: 1. A cavity located at the beginning of a canal. 2. A hollow space located at the beginning of a canal ... it is often used to refer to the cavity of the bone-like labyrinth that communicates with the inner ear.
VESTIBULITIS: Inflammation at the entrance of the vulva ... symptoms include painful sexual relations and burning sensation.
VESTIGE: The remains of a structure that existed in an embryo or fetus.
VESTIGIAL: A part of the body that is non-functional.
V-FIB: Abbreviation for "ventricular fibrillation".
VIABILITY: Capability of living.
VIAL: A glass tube that contains doses of medications.
VIBEX: Spot underneath the skin caused by hemorrhage.
VIBRIO: A classification of bacteria.
VILLI: Projections that resemble hairs ... located on the membrane covering of the small intestine.
VINCENT'S ANGINA: Trench mouth ... mouth infection.
VIOLACEOUS: Purple discoloration of the skin.
VIRAL: Referring to something that originates with a virus.
VIRAL ENVELOPE PROTEINS: Protein layers surrounding a virus particle ... it consists of lipids and proteins. The outermost layer consists of units called peplomers.
VIRAL LOAD: The quantity of virus existing in the blood stream.
VIRAL TITER: The amount of virus measured.
VIREMIA: A presence of a virus in blood.
VIRIDIS: Currently being researched.
VIROLOGY: The study of viral diseases.
VIRION: The primary viral particle that is typically enclosed with an envelope of protein.
VIROSE: Toxic.
VIRULENCE: 1. A danger to life ... usually referring to poisons. 2. Virulence also refers to the death rate of an infection.
VIRUS: A tiny structure made up of ... DNA and/or RNA core surrounded by a coating of protein. These structures are incapable of reproduction without "host" cells. Typical diseases caused by viruses include chickenpox, colds, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis and smallpox. Viruses contain either (but never both) RNA or DNA. Viruses are capable of infecting virtually all animals including bacteria. Typically they only infect one species. For instance a virus that affects dogs would not infect a human. Typically a virus is less than 150 nanometers in diameter.
VIRUS ATTACHMENT PROTEIN: A protein found on the surface of viruses ... binds the receptor.
VIRUSOID: The simplest viruses made up from a single strand of genetic material.
VISCER / (O): A combining word-form that means "internal organs".
VISCERA: Plural of viscus ... body organs (internal).
VISCERAL: 1. Referring to "viscera". 2. See "virus".
VISCERAL PERICARDIUM: Outer portion of the wall of the heart.
VISCEROMEGALY: Enlarged internal organ.
VISCERTOME: A medical device used to remove samples of liver tissue from cadavers.
VISCID: Thick and sticky.
VISCUS: An organ of the digestive, respiratory, urogenital and endocrine system as well as the spleen heart, great vessels.
VITAL SIGNS: The four vital signs are temperature, pulses, respirations and blood pressure readings.
VITAMINS: Vitamins regulate and assist biochemical processes that release energy from digested food.
VITAMIN A: Fat-soluble vitamin that is carried through the bloodstream attached to lipids. The first vitamin to be officially identified. Without vitamin A eye disease can occur in the form of "xerophthalmia" in which the eyes dry out and sores develop on the eyelids and cornea which can lead to blindness. In fact, the number one cause of blindness in developing countries is lack of vitamin A ... elderly, teenagers and alcoholics are most at risk. Lack of Vitamin A can result in growth retardation, defective teeth and gums, fatigue, lower levels of active thyroid hormone, weight gain, depression, headaches, low body temperature and a compromised immunity system. Lack of vitamin A in alcoholics can result in night blindness, skin problems, cirrhosis of the liver and ease of picking up infections. TOXICITY: Vitamin A is stored in the liver and is fat soluble so there is a possibility of toxicity when taking supplements which can be manifested by headache, chapped lips, dry skin, fatigue, emotional instability and joint and bone pain. USES: Supplemental Vitamin A is used to treat blurred vision, cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis and dry eyes in the form of eye drops. It has also been used to treat asthma, sebaceous cysts, fibrocystic breast disease and premenstrual syndrome. SOURCES: Fish/liver oils ...egg yolks ... milk products.
VITAMIN B1: This first B vitamin discovered ... also called "thiamin". Because of it's relationship with carbohydrates and the manufacture of energy it is essential in virtually every cellular reaction in the body from it's role in the nervous system (manufacture of acetylcholine) to the prevention of fatty deposits in arteries to assist in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Vitamin B1 is necessary for the proper functioning of the muscles, nervous system and heart. A deficiency has been known to result in a loss of appetite, insomnia, fatigue, weight loss, depression, constipation, irritability, heart problems and gastrointestinal problems. SOURCES: Organ meats, soybeans, peas, peanuts, egg yolks, poultry, broccoli, oatmeal, asparagus, raisins, plums. The cooking process, ultraviolet light, sulfates, nitrites and live yeast can destroy much of the Vitamin B1 in food sources. DOSAGE: The recommended daily intake is the year 2000 is 1.5 milligram for adults and 1.7 milligram for lactating females.
VITAMIN B2: Also called "riboflavin". It is essential for the manufacture, growth, maintenance and repair of tissues like skin, hair, connective tissue and the immunity system. Recent research suggests that it may also be effective at reducing migraines. Deficiencies can occur due to antibiotic use, oral contraceptives and alcohol because they impede the absorption of vitamin B2. SYMPTOMS: Deficiency can cause depression, decreased touch sensation, anemia, loss of appetite, red / swollen lips and tongue. SOURCES: Organ meats, milk, yeast, cheese, oily fish, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables as well as nuts, broccoli, currants and avocados. DOSAGE: The recommended daily intake for adults is 1.7 milligrams per day and 2.0 milligrams for lactating females.
VITAMIN B3: Also called "niacin". USES: Treatment of high cholesterol, anxiety, circulatory problems along with emotional / physical stress. SYMPTOMS: Deficiencies can cause skin that becomes sensitive to light and afterwards becomes thick, rough and dry. Also weakness, fatigue, anorexia, indigestion, skin outbreaks. Deficiencies can be caused by alcoholism, malnourishment, cancer, protein deficiencies and females taking oral contraceptives. SOURCES: Foods that contain this vitamin include ... beef, pork, fish, milk, cheese, whole wheat, potatoes, corn and carrots. COOKING TIP: Note that only tiny amounts are contained in foods and therefore (to preserve it) foods should be steamed to retain as much as possible. DOSAGE: The recommended daily intake in the year 2000 is 20 milligrams a day for adults.
VITAMIN B5: Also called "pantothenic acid". It is involved in releasing energy from physiological functions. It helps in the synthesis (manufacture) of coenzyme A that is associated with the breakup of fats and carbohydrates, building membranes for cells and manufacture of some neurotransmitters required by the nervous system. Deficiencies are rare. DOSAGE: Daily intake should probably be between four and ten milligrams per day the recommended daily intake is placed at five milligrams per day. SOURCES: Sweet potatoes, milk, broccoli, liver, eggs, yeast, bran, peanuts, wheat germ, peas, meat, poultry, whole grains. VOLATILITY: Many vegetables and fruits contain small quantities but food processing, canning and heat destroy B5. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Although deficiency is rare, it has been induced experimentally to result in headache, fatigue, shrunken adrenal glands, depression, nausea, sleep problems, personality changes, abdominal cramps, muscle cramps, tingling and numbness of extremities (hands and feet), immune problems, impaired coordination, muscle cramps, dermatitis. TOXICITY: Causes diarrhea.
VITAMIN B6: Also called "pyridoxine". A family of related compounds contained in animal products (pyridoxamine and pyridoxal) and plants (pyridoxine). It assists in the breakdown and manufacture of amino acids and in the process that converts amino acids into fats or carbohydrates. DEFICIENCIES: Typically occur in alcoholics, older people, adolescents, and people on restricted diets. Deficiencies can be caused by tobacco smoke, radiation, pollution, stress, and oral contraceptives. Symptoms include drowsiness, irritability, weakness, depression and loss of appetite. Can adversely affect the development of an infant nervous system and cause convulsions in young children if it occurs during pregnancy. CAUTION: It appears to be non-toxic but has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. USES: Has been used to treat mood disorders, PMS, asthma, cardiovascular diseases. SOURCES: Chicken, fish, pork, egg, milk, liver, wheat germ, kidneys, and brewer's yeast. DOSAGE: The recommended daily intake is two milligrams per day for adults and 2.5 milligrams per day for lactating females. FORMS: Pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxine phosphate.
VITAMIN B12: Also called "cobalamin" because it is the only vitamin to contain cobalt (an essential mineral). It is typically found in animal products. USES: Required to metabolize (the process within the body that maintains and produces life) nerve tissue, fats, carbohydrates, maintenance of the entire nervous system. Also, it contributes to the transportation of and storage of folate. It is stored in the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, pancreas, testes, bone marrow and blood. DEFICIENCY: Deficiency of B12 results in "pernicious anemia". Weight loss, weakness, pale skin and psychological disturbances are typical. Typically seen in alcoholics, strict vegetarians, and older people. TOXICITY: No toxic effects have been found in the year 2000. SOURCES: Oysters, eggs, meat, milk, crabs, fish. DOSAGE: Recommended daily allowance in the year 2000 is 10-20 mcg per day.
VITAMIN B's (Various): Water soluble vitamins. Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 are commonly known but there are other vitamins in the B family ... biotin, choline, folic acid, inositol and PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid). See these headings for more information.
VITAMIN C: Also called "ascorbic acid" in its pure form. Water soluble vitamin. Discovered formally in 1928 when it was shown to be the major cause in preventing and treating scurvy. It is involved in hundreds of vital processes in the human body like ... antibody production, activity of white blood cells, production of interferon, antiviral and anticancer substances, etcetera. Works as an antioxidant in maintaining healthy skin and strengthening the immune system. Some sources include citrus fruits, kiwi, peppers, strawberry, papaya, black currants, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, etcetera. RDA: In the year 2000 the American government's recommended daily allowance for women 60-75 milligrams per day (smokers 95-110) ... for men it is 60-90 milligrams per day (smokers 95-125). LIMITS: Daily amounts should not exceed 2,000 milligrams because higher dosages result in diarrhea. SYMPTOMS: Symptoms of low levels of vitamin C are scurvy, bleeding, loose teeth, joint pain, dry/scaly skin, blood vessel damage, depression, anemia, fluid retention, slow healing of wounds, susceptibility to infection, male infertility, genetic damage to sperm cells.
VITAMIN D: Fat-soluble vitamin that is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus (from the intestinal tract). Is associated with: 1) Development and growth of teeth and bones in children. 2) Regulation of heart beat. 3) Protects against muscle weakness. 4) Boosts immunity system. 5) Required for thyroid. 6) Required for blood clotting. 7) It is important in the treatment and prevention of hypocalcemia. 8) It is important in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. The vitamin D that is found in foods cannot be utilized by the body ... it must be converted by the kidneys and liver to become fully active (this is why people with kidney and liver dysfunctions are at risk for osteoporosis). Vitamin D can also be obtained by exposing the face and arms to the sun (15 minutes, three times a week) because a cholesterol compound in the skin is transformed by the sun's ultraviolet rays into a precursor of vitamin D. SOURCES: Saltwater fish, eggs, butter, fish liver oils, dairy products, cod liver oil, milk, tuna, sweet potatoes, vegetable oils dandelion greens, alfalfa, nettle (herb), parsley and horsetail (herb). CAUTIONS: Only take vitamin D with calcium ... toxicity can result. Severe deficiencies may result in childhood rickets, osteomalacia in adults, burning sensation in the throat and mouth, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea, weight loss and visual problems.
VITAMIN E: Fat-soluble vitamin that is carried through the bloodstream attached to lipids. A powerful antioxidant which slows the oxidation in the body due to free radicals. The Vitamin E consumed should be "alpha-tocopherol" (the only type that human blood can maintain and transfer to cells when needed). BENEFITS: Studies have shown that vitamin E improves heart and muscle respiration, promotes blood clotting, helps to prevent cataracts, strengthens capillary walls, longevity of the skin, prevent many cancers, treating existing cancer. DOSAGE: In the year 2000 the American government's recommended daily allowance for women 15 milligrams (or 22 International units) per day ... for men it is 15 milligrams (22 International units) per day. LIMITS: 1,000 milligrams per day ... higher amounts have been associated with greater risks of stroke and uncontrolled bleeding. TOPICAL USES: Benefits the skin by forestalling the effects of aging. SOURCES: Vegetable oil ... seeds ... liver ... nuts. CAUTION: Vitamin mildly thins the blood and can be a concern for those taking other blood pressure medications such as Coumadin.
VITAMIN F: Essential unsaturated fatty acids.
VITAMIN K: Fat-soluble vitamin(s) that are carried through the bloodstream attached to lipids. A group of three vitamins ... K1 (phylloquinone - made by plants), K2 (menaquinone - made by animals) and K3 (menaphthone - synthetic). Stored in the liver following absorption in the intestines. The vitamin is best known for its blood clotting association. It is a vital constituent in the manufacture of prothrombin and assists in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. It is also linked to bone health because it is a requirement in the function of calcium in the mineralization of bone. It is also required for the protein MGP found in bones, teeth and cartilage. It is also linked to the conversion of glucose to glycogen in the liver ... prevention of kidney stones. SYMPTOMS: Deficiencies can cause blood-clotting problems.
VITAMIN P: Bioflavonoids are sometimes referred to as "Vitamin P" but they are not vitamins in the strictest sense of the word. Bioflavonoids improve the absorption of Vitamin C and should be taken in conjunction with one another. Bioflavonoids like hesperetin, hesperidin, eriodictyol, quercetin, quercitrin and rutin are no manufactured by the body and must be obtained from diet. They are often used to relieve athletic injuries such as pain, bruises, and pain in the legs/back. Bioflavonoids work together with Vitamin C to maintain capillaries. Also, they enhance circulation, stimulate bile production, lower cholesterol levels, counteract cataracts, have an antibacterial effect. When taken in conjunction with vitamin C they it can reduce the effects of oral herpes. SOURCES: Can be found in the white material beneath the peel of citrus fruits, peppers, buckwheat and black currants, apricots, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, oranges, prunes, rose hips, chervil, elderberries, hawthorn berry, horsetail.
VITILIGO: Otherwise normal skin with white patches, sometimes hair in the affected areas. The lack of skin pigmentation is due to a lack of melanocytes (skin cells which contain melanin pigment). Underlying this condition may be diabetes, thyroid problems, pernicious anemia or a malfunctioning adrenal gland. In the year 2000 the National Vitiligo Foundation can be contacted at, 611 South Fleishel Ave, Tyler, Tex 75701.
VITREOUS: The fluid that fills the back of the eye (between the lens and retina.
VIVISECT: The dissection of a live animal.
VNP: Abbreviation for "Ventilated patients".
VOCAL CORDS: Bands of tissues that cause the vibrations of speech.
VOLAR: Referring to the vola; denoting either the palm of the hand or sole of the foot.
VOLAR CARPAL LIGAMENT: Ligament of the wrist.
VOLAR FLEXION CREASE: Of the wrist ... currently being researched.
VOLCE: The sole of the foot or palm of the hand.
VOLITION: The ability to choose.
VOLKMANN'S CONTRACTURE: A contraction of the fingers.
VOLVULUS: An obstruction caused by a twist in the intestines.
VOMER: A bone of the nose.
VOMITUS: The material that is ejected from the mouth through vomiting.
VON GRAEFE'S SIGN: Currently being researched.
VON RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE: This is the most common type of neurofibromatosis that is an inherited problem in which growths appear from nerves and surrounding tissues. They can impede the functioning of organs.
VON WILLEBRAND'S DISEASE: A bleeding disorder which is more common than the more severe hemophilia. It results from a deficiency of the blood protein "von Willebrand factor". For many cases of the disease, it is only a cause for concern when a patient has undergone a major trauma to the body. In other cases the sufferer may lose extreme amount of blood during menstrual periods. The drug DDAVP is often given to boost von Willebrand's factor to prevent hemorrhage.
VON WILLEBRAND'S FACTOR: A blood protein that works with others to correct leaks in blood vessels.
VOX: Voice.
VP SHUNT: Abbreviation for ... "ventriculoperitoneal shunt".
VQ: Abbreviation for "Voice Quality".
V/Q: Ventilation-perfusion.
VQ LUNG SCAN: Ventilator-perfusion lung scan.
VSD: Abbreviation for "Ventricular Septal Defect".
VTP: Abbreviation for "Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy".
VULVA: Genitalia (female).
VUVLITIS: Inflammation of external female genitalia.
VULVOVAGINITIS: Inflammation of both vulva and vagina.
VZF: Abbreviation for ... "varicella-zoster virus" ... causes herpes, chickenpox (varicella) and shingles (herpes-zoster)

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