T3 UPTAKE: A test that analyzes TBG (thyroxine binding globulin) in blood serum. An increased amount decreases the T3 uptake. Note that T3 uptake does not measure the amount of T3 or T4 in blood serum. Increased T3 uptake may be an indication of liver disease, hyperthyroidism or loss of protein. Medications can also be a factor: androgens, barbiturates, bishydroxycoumarin, chlorpropamide, corticosteroids, danazol, d-thyroxine, penicillin, phenylbutazone, and valproic acid. A decrease in the T3 uptake may be an indication of pregnancy, hypothyroidism or hepatitis. Medications, which could be a factor, include clofibrate, lithium, methimazole, phenothiazineds and propylthiouracil.
T-4: Thyroxine or Levothyroxine. See "thyroxine".
T&A: Abbreviation for "tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy".
TABES DORSALIS: A paralyzing disease caused by syphilis.
TACHY-: A prefix (word part) meaning "quick" or "rapid".
TACHYCARDIA: Fast heart rate that occurs suddenly.
TACHYCARDIC: Fast heart.
TACHYPNEA: Excessive rapidity of breathing (respiration).
TACHYPNEIC: See "tachypnea".
TACHYRHYTHMIA: Fast heart rate.
TACTILE: Referring to the sense of touch.
TAG: A polyp or other small growth.
TAHBSO: Abbreviation for "total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy".
TALALGIA: Heel pain.
TALIPES: Another word for "club foot".
TALIPES PLANUS: Another word for "flat foot".
TALOFIBULAR: Relating to the talus and the fibula.
TALUS: Anklebone, joint.
TANDEM WALKING: Term used to describe multiple walking steps that lie adjacent to one another.
TANGENTIAL: Touching at a single point but not intersecting.
TANNER GROWTH CHART: A chart showing typical development of children by age, sex and puberty.
TANNIC ACID: An astringent (contracts tissues) drug.
TAPER: To become gradually thinner at one end.
TAPEWORM: A type of worm which infests the intestines.
TARDIVE DYSKINESIA: Slow response to performing voluntary movements. Eyes may blink and/or the tongue may dart from the mouth. It sometimes is caused by medicines used to treat mental illness.
TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: Also called ... the carpal tunnel syndrome of the foot. A narrowed tunnel of ligaments (due to calcium buildup, inflammation, etcetera) puts pressure on a nerve that serves the foot.
TARSUS: The 7 tarsal bones on the instep ... also, refers to the eyelid.
TARTAR: Stone like substance that forms on teeth.
TAURINE: An amino acid, which is categorized as "nonessential". Plays an important role in the formation of bile ... i.e., metabolism of fats and control of blood cholesterol. See "amino acids".
TAUT: Tense, not lack.
TAXONOMY: The systematic classification of living things.
TAY-SACHS DISEASE: Fatal, degenerative brain disease which affects the nervous system due to a lack of an enzyme (hexosaminidase) which helps to breakdown fats. It is untreatable (year 2000) and prevalent among the Ashkenazi Jewish community. Babies develop normally until they are about 6-7 months of age when they begin to slowly degenerate ... taking years to die.
TB: Abbreviation for ... "tuberculosis".
TBG: Abbreviation for ... "thyroxine binding globulin".
T-CELLS: Immunity cells that include "helper T-cells", "cytoxic T-cells" and "suppressor T-cells". T Cells are manufactured in the marrow of bone and mature in the thymus. T-cells live a long time (months to years) and are responsible for rejecting foreign materials in the body.
TD: Abbreviation for tetanus/diphtheria ... i.e. TD .5 cc 1m (tetanus/diphtheria).
TE: Abbreviation for ... "tracheoesophageal"
TEAT: Another word for "nipple".
TECTONIC: Referring to plastic surgery.
TED HOSE: Elastic hose to help leg circulation.
TEE TEST: Abbreviation for "transesophageal echogram".
TEF: Abbreviation for ... "tracheoesophageal fistula".
TEGADERM: Currently being researched.
TEGMEN: Another word for "covering".
TEGUMENT: Another word for "skin".
TEINODYNIA: Tendon pain.
TELALGIA: Referred pain.
TELANGIECTASIA: Dilation of small blood vessels due to a minor trauma - often occurring on the face, tongue, nasal lining, digestive tract or under fingernail beds.
TELANGIECTATIC: Referring to telangiectasia (dilation of small blood vessels due to a minor trauma - often occurring on the face, tongue, nasal lining, digestive tract or under finger-nail beds).
TELANGIOSIS: Any disease affecting the capillaries.
TELANGITIS: Capillary Inflammation.
TELEMETRY: The electronic transmission of data between distant points.
TELFA DRESSING: Currently being researched.
TEMPLE: "Front of the ear" region.
TEMPORAL: Referring to the lateral portion of the head (temple).
TEMPORAL ARTERITIS: Inflammation involving an artery in the temple. A common symptom is headache. The disease is commonly treated with cortisone drugs. Note that blindness can result if treatment is not commenced right away.
TEMPORALIS: Pertaining to the lateral area of the head, above the zygomatic arch.
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR: Referring to mandible and temporal bone; the joint of the lower joint.
TENACULUM: Surgical instrument / aid. Currently being researched.
TENALGIA: Tendon pain.
TENCKHOFF: A type of catheter.
TENDINITIS: Tendon inflammation.
TENDINOUS: Referring to "tendons".
TENDON: Special tissue that attaches muscles to bones.
TENECTOMY: The removal of a tendon.
TENESMUS: Pain in the anal sphincter accompanied by a need to evacuate bladder or bowel ... but with only a small passage of feces or urine.
TENIA: Another word for "tapeworm".
TENNIS ELBOW: A strained arm which causes pain when twisting inwards.
TENODYNIA: Tendon pain.
TENDONITIS: Tendon inflammation.
TENOPLASTY: Tendon repair.
TENOSYNOVITIS: Tendon - inflammation of a synovial membrane.
TENS: Abbreviation for "transcutaneous electrical stimulator". The device is attached to the skin to discharge an electrical pulse for the purpose of blocking pain signals along the nerve paths.
TENTING: An elevation of the skin that gives the appearance of a tent.
TENTORIUM: Membrane cover; tentorium cerebelli.
T.E.P.: A medication that is an antihistamine, bronchodilator, decongestant, sedative.
TEPID: Another word for "warm".
TERATOGENIC: Something that causes abnormal formation of a fetus.
TERATOLOGY: Branch of science that deals with fetal abnormalities.
TERES: Smooth, round and long; refers to certain muscles and ligaments.
TERMINAL: Referring to the end of something
i.e., the end of a body structure.
TERMINAL ILEUM: Currently being researched.
TERRACING: To suture in rows.
TERTIARY HEALTH CARE: Specialized health.
TESIO CATHETER: A permanent catheter used for dialysis.
TESTICLE: Male fertility body part. Located in the abdomen during fetal development. They begin a descent into the scrotum at age 7-months. The testicles must exist outside of the body because they cannot survive the warmth of the body. Undescended testicles often translate into cancer during later life.
TESTES: See "testicle".
TESTOSTERONE: The hormone that is linked with male sexuality. Low levels are associated with impotence, cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis. It is known to foster the growth of prostate cancer.
TET: Abbreviation for ... "tetralogy of Fallot".
TETANUS: Disease that is infectious in nature. Symptoms include painful muscle spasms.
TETANY: Muscle spasm.
TETRAD: A deformity with four features.
TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL: Also called ... "THC". The active isomers present in marijuana.
TETRALOGY: 1. Collection of 4 things with something in common. 2. In chemistry, a quadrivalent element. 3. Heredity, a chromosome that divides into four.
TETRALOGY OF FALLOT: A set of heart defects occurring at birth i.e., ventricular septal defect ...
TETRAPLEGIA: Paralysis of the arms and legs.
TETRAPYRROLE: Molecule possessing four ringed atoms.
TF: Abbreviation for ... "tube feeding".
TGF-B: A chemical produced by the body due to infection
it causes inflammation to trigger in the hands and feet.
TH-1: One of the two types of "helper T-cells" which excrete proteins which excrete proteins that regulate immune functions.
TH-2: One of the two types of "helper T-cells" which excrete proteins which excrete proteins that regulate immune functions.
THALASSEMIA: Treatable hereditary disorder ... anemia. Found most often in people who come from the Mediterranean area ... Italy, Greece, and North Africa. Too few red blood cells and too much iron in the blood is the result. Some types of thalassemia can be fatal while others (like thalassemia minor anemia) cause "minor" or no results. Symptoms develop at six months to a year ... treatment consists of regular blood transfusions. Sufferers wear a syringe pump at night that includes a medication that removes excess iron.
THALAMUS: Also referred to as the "seat of emotion". One of a pair of large organs forming part of the brain.
THALASSEMIA: A disease that is similar to sickle cell anemia.
THALLIUM STRESS TEST: Thallium treadmill study.
THELALGIA: Nipple pain.
THELITIS: Nipple inflammation.
THELIUM: Another word for "nipple".
THENAR: The ball of the thumb. Referring to the thumb side of the palm.
THERAPEUTIC RANGE: Dosage of a medication that is required for maximum effectiveness. Above that dosage, side effects may cause toxicity or other undesirable effects. Below that range, the desired effect may not be achieved.
THERAPIST: Someone who is skilled at the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
-THERAPY: A suffix that means ... "treatment".
THERMOPLEGIA: Another word for "sunstroke".
THERMOTHERAPY: Heat therapy.
THIAMINE: Another word for
"vitamin B1". See vitamin "B1" for more information.
THORAC / (O): A combining word-form that means "chest".
THORACALGIA: Pain in the chest.
THORACECTOMY: To remove a rib via surgical means.
THORACENTESIS: Puncture into thorax to remove fluid.
Thrill: Sensation or vibration felt by an examiner.
THORACIC: Dealing with the chest & lungs.
THORACOLUMBAR: Referring to the lumbar and thoracic areas of the vertebral column.
THORACOSCOPY: The use of an endoscope to view the pleural cavity.
THORACOTOMY: Incision into the chest wall.
THORAX: Area of the body located between the neck and abdomen ... chest.
THREADWORM: A type of worm parasite.
THREONINE: Categorized as an "essential amino acid". It is required for proper infant growth and the correct balance of nitrogen in adults. Assists in the prevention of fat build up in the liver. Also, assists proper operations of the digestive system. Can be found in eggs, milk and other proteins.
THREPSOLOGY: The branch of medicine dealing with nutrition.
THRILL: A tremor that can be auscultated (heard) in blood vessels ... heart murmur.
THROE: Another word for "sharp pain".
THROMBECTOMY: The surgical removal of a blood clot.
THROMBIN: Also called "thrombosin". One of the constituents of blood that is responsible for clotting.
THROMBOCYTES: Also called "platelets". They are the components of blood, which cause clotting and prevent us from bleeding to death.
THROMBOCYTHEMIA: An excessive amount of platelets in the blood.
THROMBOCYTOPENIA: A decreased amount of platelets in the blood.
THROMBOCYTOSIS: An increase in the number of platelets (blood cells which form into a clot, also called thrombocytes) in the circulating blood. Patients can develop clots in blood vessels that can cause restricted blood flow and bleeding problems.
THROMBOLYTIC: That which breaks up blood clots.
THROMBOPHLEBITIS: Inflammation of a vein accompanied by a blood clot.
THROMBOSIS: Clot formation within a blood vessel.
THROMBUS: A blood clot formation within a blood vessel.
THRUSH: Infection of the tissues of the mouth and throat ... from a fungus.
THYMECTOMY: The removal of the thymus via surgical means.
THYMIDINE: One of the four primary nucleotides that make up DNA.
THYMIDINE KINASE: An enzyme that is concerned with replication of DNA molecules. This enzyme shows a marked increase when the herpes virus is present and liver regeneration.
THYMION: Another word for "wart".
THYMITIS: Thyroid gland inflammation.
THYMOMA: The presence of a tumor on the thymus.
THYMUS: A gland located in the upper chest and influences the immune system. It is often called the "powerhouse of the immune system". Zinc can increase the size of the thymus to improve T-cell production.
THYROADENITIS: Thyroid inflammation.
THYROCELE: Another word for "goiter".
THYROID: An organ/gland in front of the neck that is part of the endocrine system. It releases the hormone thyroxin. It is essential for growth during childhood and infancy. It requires iodine to make thyroxin.
THYROID DISEASE: Early symptoms include fatigue, slight depression, and slight forgetfulness. Pregnant women risk having children with lower IQ's due to underactive thyroids (hypothyroidism) while others may experience higher cholesterol levels. Treatment is easy (daily pill) after diagnosis with a simple TSH blood test that detects TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) in the blood.
THYROIDECTOMY: The removal of the thyroid via surgical means.
THYROIDITIS: Thyroid inflammation.
"TSH". This hormone comes from the pituitary gland and stimulates the thyroid into action.
THYROTOXICOSIS: An excessive amount of thyroid hormone produced by an overactive thyroid.
THYROTROPIC HORMONE: A hormone that affects the thyroid.
THYROXIN: A hormone produced by the thyroid. A thyroxin measurement is the total amount contained in a sample of blood serum. This includes the free form plus the inactive form attached to thyroxine binding globulin (TBG). See "thyroid".
TIA: Abbreviation for Transient Ischemic Attack.
TIBC: Abbreviation for "total iron-binding capacity".
TIBI / (O): A combining word-form which means, "shin bone" (tibia)
TIBIA: Also called the "shin". The 2nd largest bone of the body that is located in the middle of the lower leg. It is the larger of the two lower leg bones.
TIBIAL: Referring to the shin (tibia).
TIC: Movements of muscles that are unintended. Often the movements are caused by stress and anxiety ... typically affects the face.
TIC DOULOUREUX: Also called trigeminal neuralgia. It is manifested by short jabbing pains around the mouth, jaw or forehead. It is most common in women aged 55+.
TID: TID is properly spelled ... "tid". Three times a day.
TIDAL VOLUME: The amount of air inhaled and exhaled during normal breathing.
TIETZE'S SYNDROME: A form of costochondritis in which the affected cartilage is swollen and makes a small knot.
TIH: Abbreviation for ... "time interval histogram".
T-INCISION: A surgical cut.
TINCTURE: A solution of medicine(s) and approximately 50% alcohol.
TINEA: The medical name for "ringworm". A fungus infection that begins as a flat and scaly circular area. The spot gets larger to form the shape of a ring that has red borders but a normal, flesh-colored central area. Many medicines are available in the forms of creams, sprays, gels, powders and oral tablets ... one is Tolnaftate.
TINEA CORPORIS: Ringworm of the body.
TINEA CRURIS: A type of tinea (fungus) which is often chronic in males affecting the groin area. Also called "jock itch". Wear boxer shorts and stay away from tight pants.
TINEA PEDIS: Athlete's foot fungus. Ringworm of the foot. Sufferers should wash feet and put on socks before underwear to prevent jock itch. Antifungal creams often prescribed like Micatin, Caneston and Tinactin. Do not use anything that contains hydrocortisone. Also, tyme is a natural antifungal.
TINEA VERSICOLOR: Tan or brown patches on the skin of the trunk of the body ... caused by Malassezia furfur.
TINEL SIGN: Distal tingling on percussion ... a neurological sign.
TINNITUS: Another word for "ringing in the ear". Ear sounds that can take the form of buzzing or hissing.
TITER: 1. The standard of strength of a volume of test solution. 2. A concentration of something in a solution.
TITRATION: Determination of a given component in solution by adding a liquid reagent.
TIW: Abbreviation for ... "three times a week".
TKVO: Abbreviation for "To Keep Vein Open".
T-LYMPHOCYTES: Also called ... "T-cells". T Cells are manufactured in the marrow of bone and mature in the thymus. T-cells live a long time (months to years) and are responsible for rejecting foreign materials in the body.
TM: Abbreviation for tympanic membranes.
TMJ: Abbreviation for "Temporomandibular Joint".
TMR: Abbreviation for ... "transmyocardial revascularization" (surgical procedure).
TOA: Abbreviation for "tubo-ovarian abscess".
TOBAN DRAPE: A covering over a patient receiving a surgical operation.
TOCOLOGY: Branch of medicine that deals with obstetrics (pregnancy and delivery of babies).
TOCOPHOBIA: Abnormal fear of childbirth.
-TOCIA: A suffix that means ... "birth".
TOCUS: Another word for "childbirth".
TODD'S PARALYSIS: Temporary paralysis (few days) in a limb.
TOILET: Cleansing of an accidental wound and the surrounding skin.
-TOME: A suffix that means ... "cutting instrument".
TOMOGRAPHY: Another name for a CT scan.
-TOMY: A suffix which means ... "incision".
TONE: The tension of a muscle at rest.
TONGUE BLADE: Thin, flat part of the tongue.
TONGUE-TIE: A defect from birth in which the frenum below the tongue is abnormally short.
TONIC: 1. Another word for "muscle contraction" (tightness). 2. Substance that stimulate the entire body, invigorates, restores.
TONOCLONIC PHASE: Alternate contraction and relaxation of a muscle relating to seizures.
TONOMETER: A device for measuring ocular pressures.
TONO-PEN: A device for measuring ocular pressures.
TONSIL: A mass of lymphatic tissue located in the throat.
TONSILLECTOMY: Removal of the tonsils via surgical means.
TONSILLITIS: Tonsil inflammation.
TONUS: The normal state of balance of the tissues of the body, especially the muscles.
TOP / (O): A combining word-form that means "location".
TOPHUS: 1. Salivary calculus. 2. Arthritic calculus.
TOPICAL: Referring to the surface of the body.
TORPIDITY: Another word for "lethargic" ... "sluggish"
TORSION: Process of "twisting"
TORSO: Another word for "trunk of the body".
TORTICOLLIS: Stiff neck ... wryneck. Contraction of muscles pulls the head to the side retracting the chin to the shoulder. Standard treatment is Botox.
TORTUOUS: Turning, twisting, many curves.
TORUS FRACTURE: Longitudinal compression of the soft bone. It occurs in the radius, ulna or both.
TORUS PALATINE: A cartilage-capped bony projection arising from the middle of the hard palate.
TORUS PALATINUS: A cartilage-capped bony projection arising from the middle of the hard palate.
TOTAL PARENTERAL NUTRITION: Intravenous application of all nutrients through a catheter in a large vein in the vicinity of the collarbone. This procedure is performed to ensure adequate nutrition of undernourished of extremely ill patients. It is also used to prepare undernourished patients for surgery.
TOTAL PROTEIN: A blood serum measurement that determines and increase or decrease in albumin, globulin or both.
TOTIPOTENT: Having unlimited capability. Totipotent cells have the capacity to specialize into extraembryonic membranes and tissues, the embryo, and all postembryonic tissues and organs
TOURETTE'S SYNDROME: Facial and vocal ticks beginning in childhood and developing into generalized jerking movements.
TOURNIQUET: Instrument to arrest blood flow using pressure via an encircling device.
TOX /(O): A combining word-form that means, "poison".
TOXEMIA: Clinical syndrome from toxic substances in the blood; also a term referring to pregnancy disorder of hypertension.
TOXICODENDRON: A grouping of poison plants like poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.
TOXICITY: Poisonous content.
TOXICOLOGICAL: Referring to poisons.
TOXICOLOGY: A branch of science that deals with poisons.
TOXIC THRESHOLD: The dose of a medication where toxicity results.
TOXIN: A poisonous substance
TOXOID: A toxic treated with heat or chemicals to lessen its poisonous effect, but retains enough of its potency to stimulate the immunity system to create antibodies.
TOXOPLASMOSIS: An organism which if found in the intestines of cats ... called "toxoplasma gondii". The cats are carriers and do not get sick themselves. Cysts are found in the feces that cause little of no problems for humans with a strong immunity system. However, it can be deadly in those with a compromised system. Also, dramatic problems can occur to the fetus of pregnant women like eye and brain infections, mental retardation, heart inflammation and liver problems. Primary sources are kittens, uncooked meats and unwashed vegetables.
TOX SCREEN: A blood analysis typically used when blood overdose is suspected.
TPN: Abbreviation for ... "total parenteral nutrition".
TPR: Abbreviation for "temperature, pulses, respirations".
TRABECULA: 1. Fiber bundles that support a body structure. 2. The spongy substance that comprises bone.
TRACE ELEMENTS: Minerals that are categorized as "essential" for the proper operation of the body.
TRACE MINERALS: Minerals found is minute quantities within the body that play vital roles in the absorption and utilization of nutrients.
TRACHE / O: A combining word-form that means "windpipe".
TRACHEA: Another word for "windpipe".
TRACHEAL: Refers to the "windpipe" (trachea).
TRACHEITIS: Windpipe (trachea) inflammation.
TRACHELAGRA: Another word for "neck gout".
TRACHELISMUS: Neck muscle spasms.
TRACHEOLARYNGOTOMY: To cut into the larynx.
TRACHEOSTOMY: Cutting into the trachea (windpipe) ... usually for the purpose of inserting an emergency breathing tube.
TRACHEOTOMY: Cutting into the trachea ... usually for the purpose of correcting an obstruction.
TRACHITIS: Windpipe (trachea) inflammation.
TRACHOMA: Eye disease ... infectious.
TRACT: An elongated area ... track ... pathway.
TRACTION: To enact a pulling force.
TRAGUS SIGN: The tragus is a cartilage projection anterior to the external opening of the ear.
TRANSAMINASE: Enzymes that affect transfer of amino acids from a donor to an acceptor ... also called "aminotransferase". Transaminases are liver enzymes that (when found in the blood) may indicate liver infections. Also called ALT and AST.
TRANSCORTIN: Also called ... "corticosteroid-binding globulin". A blood protein manufactured by the liver ... it binds and transports hydrocortisone in blood.
TRANSCRIPTASE: Also called ... "RNA transcriptase". An enzyme that begins the synthesis of RNA with DNA for the purpose of serving as a template.
TRANSCRIPTION: The transfer of genetic information from one molecular nucleus to another.
TRANSCUTANEOUS: Through the skin.
TRANSDERMAL: Through the skin.
TRANSESOPHAGEAL ECHOGRAM: An instrument inserted into the esophagus for purpose of getting a good vantage point for producing pictures of the heart.
TRANSFORATION: Skull perforation ... fetus.
TRANSMISSION: The transferring of a disease from on person to another.
TRANSMYOCARDIAL REVASCULARIZATION: Also called ... "TMR". A procedure that uses a laser to drill minute holes in the heart to relieve chest pain. Studies show that the benefits last for a minimum of five years and often longer.
TRANSPLANT: To remove an organ or tissue from one person and graft it into another.
TRANSUDATE: A fluid that has passed through a membrane due to osmosis.
TRANSVERSE: Another word for "going from side-to-side".
TRAPEZIUS: A muscle located in the shoulder and upper back.
TRAUMA: An injury or wound.
TRAVELER'S DIARRHEA: Also called ... "infectious diarrhea". It results from an infection (bacterial, protozoan or viral).
TRAY: A flat surfaced utensil for the conveyance of various objects or materials.
TREMOR: Another word for "shaking".
TREMULOUS: Another word for "shaking".
TRENCH MOUTH: Also called "Vincent's angina". An infection of the mouth.
TRENDELENBURG'S POSITION: A supine position on the operating table; inclined so the pelvis is higher than the head.
TREPAN: The process of making a hole in the scalp to relieve pressure on the brain.
TREPHINATION: To remove a circular piece of cranium using a trephine.
TRIAGE: Process in which patients are grouped according to their need for care.
TRIBUTYRIN: A substrate for lipase tests.
TRICHANGIECTASIS: Capillary dilation.
TRICHINOSIS: An illness caused by the trichina organism that is often found in pork (raw).
TRICHOBEZOAR: Intestinal hairball.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA: Currently being researched.
TRICHOLOGY: The division of science that deals with "hair".
TRICHOMONAS: A microorganism that causes a vaginal infection marked by itching, burning and a bad smelling vaginal discharge. It is not caused by a virus or bacteria but rather a single cell organism much like and amoeba. Trichomonas is usually spread via sexual relations. It is not transmitted by oral sex. Women can exhibit a yellow, gray or green discharge from the vagina. Upon urination she may experience pain. Intercourse is often painful due to irritated vaginal tissues. The male displays no symptoms but can pass it on to partners. The drug Metronidazole is effective for eliminating it.
TRICHOSIS: Any disease of the hair.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA: Compulsive pulling at one's hair.
TRICUSPID VALVE: Located in the right chambers of the heart ... it acts as a one way valve for maintaining blood flow ... resembles three triangular segments.
TRICYCLIC: Medications that are used for depression.
TRIDIL: Medication ... a type of vasodilator. Nitrate medicines include glyceryl trinitrate (also called nitroglycerin). Common tradenames include tablets; such as Anginine and Tridil
TRIGEMINAL: Relating to the 5th cranial (trigeminus) nerve.
TRIGGER THUMB/FINGER: Finger tendons (passing through the wrist and palms from the forearm) attach to the finger bones to help in the process of bending. If the tendon sticks due to inflammation it can lock in a way the resembles a trigger on a gun which is locked for firing. Injection of cortisone in the general area typically restores the normal movements of the finger.
TRIGLYCERIDES: Fats. Normal reading, less than 200 mg/dl for men and less than 150 mg/dl for women. They have links to heart attacks, strokes and clogged arteries. Contributing to high amounts ... fried foods, sweets and fatty foods. Most of the fat tissue in the body is made up of triglycerides that were stored for later use. Most triglycerides are obtained from diet. NOTE: When high blood levels of triglycerides are combined with low HDL cholesterol readings it is an indication of problems on the horizon. REMEDY: 1. Alter the diet (resist fried/fatty foods, sweets, meat and dairy products). 2. Lose weight. 3. Exercise. COMMONLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS IN YEAR 2001: Niacin, Lopid and Tricor.
TRIGONE: Triangular is shape.
TRIQUETRUM: Bone of the wrist.
TRISTIS: Being dull looking.
TROCAR: Surgical instrument / aid which is a pointed rod designed to fit inside a tube for piercing the skin and walls of cavities and canals for the purpose of ... 1) sucking out fluids. 2) transmitting a medication. 3) guiding the placement of a catheter. Trocars are normally removed from the body while an instrument (or tube) remains.
TRISMUS: Long-term spasms of the jaw-muscle ... lockjaw.
TROCHANTER: One of the two bony structures that stick out on the end of the thigh; it attaches muscles.
TROCHLEA: A smooth joint surface of bone surface upon which another glides.
TROCHLEAR NERVE: One of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
THROMBOPHLEBITIS: "Deep thrombophlebitis" occurs because of deep blood clots that often do not give warning until a pulmonary embolism strikes (which can cause death).
TROPHIC: 1. Relating to nutrition. 2. Resulting from interrupted nerve supply.
TROPHIC NERVE: Nerves that relate to the nourishment, repair and growth of tissues.
TROPHOLOGY: The branch of science that deals with body nutrition.
TROPHONOSIS: Any disease that is related to nutritional deficiencies.
-TROPHY: A suffix that means ... "development".
TROPICAL SPRUE: Also called ... "tropical diarrhea". A form of malabsorption syndrome in which nutrients are not adequately absorbed into the body. The condition is typically seen in the tropics ... the cause is unknown. Symptoms may include ... infection of the small intestines, nutritional deficiency, excess fat in the stool, anemia.
TROPISM: Positive tropism is a common event in which living things move toward a source of stimulus like heat, light, etcetera). Negative tropism is the common event of living organisms moving away from a source of stimulus (heat, light, etcetera).
TROPONIN: A complex of globular muscle proteins of the one band that inhibits contraction by blocking interaction of acting and myosin.
TRUNCAL: Refers to the trunk (torso) of the body.
TRUNCATE: To remove limbs.
TRUSS: A belt that contains padded materials and is designed to prevent internal body structures from bulging through a defective abdominal wall.
TRYPSIN: An enzyme that occurs in the small intestines (manufactured by the pancreas).
TRYPTOPHAN: Amino acid classified as "essential". It has a reputation as a natural relaxant and aid for sleeping because it is involved in the manufacture of the neurotransmitter "serotonin". It is sometimes combined with "tyrosine" for treating addictions. Has been used to treat migraine headaches, relieve anxiety/depression. It is sometimes used in combination with Lysine to decrease levels of cholesterol.
TSH: Abbreviation for "Thyroid Stimulating Hormone" which is produced by the thyroid. A decrease in the normal amount within the body results in "hypothyroidism". TSH Test, a change in the TSH level in the blood test sometimes indicates a thyroid gland that is malfunctioning.
TSH TEST: A blood test that determines the amount of "TSH" (thyroid stimulating hormone) in the blood stream for the purpose of diagnosing thyroid disease.
TTP: Abbreviation for ... "thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura".
T-TUBE: A cylindric device placed in the bile duct to allow the drainage of bile into a bag located outside the body.
TUBER: A localized swelling.
TUBERCLE: Swelling ... bone elevation ... a tissue altered by the tuberculosis microorganism.
TUBERCULOSIS: An infectious disease also called the "white death". Long term grainy tumor infection caused by a bacterium. Usually infects the lungs by breathing or eating infected droplets. The primary symptom is a chronic cough, fever, night sweats, chest pain, weight loss, blood in the sputum, weakness, low-grade fever, and swollen neck glands. 90% of infected people have immune systems that are strong enough to prevent major symptoms. Those with compromised immune systems are most at risk like homeless people, those with HIV, etc.
TUBEROSITY: A projection of a bone. See "Tuber" (localized swelling).
TUBULES: Small tubes.
TUFT FRACTURE: Currently being researched.
TUIP: Abbreviation for "transurethral incision of the prostate". viewing/cutting instrument is inserted in the urethra and used to make one or two cuts in the gland to free the urethra. Recovery is shorter than from TURP.
TULAREMIA: Disease caused by the pasteurella microorganism ... spread by contact with small animals or insects.
TUMEFACTION: A swelling.
TUMOR: Also called ... "neoplasm". It is a swelling (or enlargement) of body tissue that does not contribute to the functioning of the body.
TUNA: Abbreviation for "transurethral needle ablation". It trims the size of the prostate gland using radio waves.
TUNNEL VISION: Also called "gun-barrel vision" or "shaft vision". A decrease of peripheral vision. A sufferer of gun-barrel vision views the world as though s(he) was looking at the world through a tube.
TURBID: Cloudy.
TURBINATE: Turbinate bone.
TURGESCENT: Another word for "swollen".
TURGID: Another word for "swollen".
TURGOR: The normal strength and tension of the skin caused by the outward pressure of the cells and the fluid that surrounds them ... swelling.
TURKISH SADDLE: A bony part that resembles a saddle and exists on the upper surface of the sphenoid bone (irregular bone at the base of the skull).
TURP: Transurethral resection of the prostrate. It is the standard treatment for an enlarged prostate. A viewing/cutting instrument is inserted in the urethra and used to cut tissue to free the urethra. It requires approximately three weeks to recover from a TURP.
TUSSIS: Another word for "cough".
TUSSIVE: Relating to coughing.
TV: Abbreviation for "Tidal Volume.
T-WAVES: The least reliable EKG indicators ... often considered false alarms because even drinking cold water can alter their size and shapes.
TYLE: Callosity (an area of thickened skin due to constant rubbing).
TYLOMA: Another word for "callus".
TYMPANIC MEMBRANE: Eardrum. A membrane that is tightly stretched to separate the middle ear from the auditory canal.
TYMPANITES: Enlargement (distention) of the abdomen due to gas.
TYMPANITIC: Denoting the quality of sound elicited by percussing over the inflated intestine or a large pulmonary cavity.
TYMPANOTOMY: Surgical opening of the middle ear.
TYMPANOSTOMY: See "myringotomy".
TYMPANUM: Another word for "eardrum".
TYPE & CROSSMATCH: Determining a patient's blood type.
TYPHOID FEVER: An infectious disease caused by the microorganism "typhoid bacillus". Symptoms include fever, delirium (typhomania) and diarrhea.
TYRAMINE: An amino acid manufactured in the body from another amino acid (essential) tyrosine.
TYROSINEMIA: A rare ailment that is usually inherited and displays high concentrations of the amino acid "tyrosine" in the blood and urine. Typically an indicator of liver/kidney problems.
TYROSINE: An amino acid involved in the transmission of nerve signals to the brain to assist in the improvement of memory and mental alertness. May also improve the functioning of the adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands.
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