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UA: Abbreviation for ... "urine analysis".
UA&M: Urinalysis and microscopy.
UBEROUS: Another word for "prolific".
UBW: Abbreviation for ... "usual body weight".
UES: Abbreviation for ... "upper esophageal sphincter".
UGI: Abbreviation for ... "upper gastrointestinal".
UIQ: Abbreviation for ... "upper inner quadrant".
ULALGIA: Gum pain.
ULATROPHIA: Gum shrinkage.
ULCER: Sores that can occur on internal body parts as well as the skin. Typically caused by the bacterium "Helicobacter pylori" which naturally occurs in the stomach.
ULCERATIONS: Ulcer formation i.e., esophageal.
ULCERATIVE COLITIS: Inflammation of the rectum and colon. Shallow sores develop on the lining of the large intestine (colon). Symptoms include: 1) Crampy abdominal pain which occurs in the lower half of the abdomen. 2) Weight loss. 3) Diarrhea. 4) Blood in the stools. 5) Fever. The disease seems to have a genetic component because it often occurs in families. The immune system is also involved because biopsies reveal that immune cells infiltrate the lining of the colon. A drugs which help to control the disease are sulfasalazine (a sulfa drug), Asacol, Pentasa and Dipentum. Control can be obtained through diet ... avoid fats and foods high in fiber. Experimentation with foods is "key" ... each sufferer must note which foods to avoid. Note that those with ulcerative colitis are at risk for colon cancer.
ULCEROGENIC: Refers to something that causes ulcers.
ULCUS: Ulcer.
-ULE: A suffix which means ... "small".
ULECTOMY: Gum removal.
ULEMORRHAGIA: Gum bleeding.
ULITIS: Inflammation of gums.
ULNA: One of the two bones of the lower arm (forearm).
ULNAR: Relating to the ulna or its structure (artery, nerve etc.).
ULNORADIAL: Referring to bones of the arm (ulna and radius).
ULOCACE: Gum infection / ulcer.
ULOID: Resembling a scar.
ULORRHAGIA: Gum bleeding.
ULOSIS: Formation of a scar.
ULQ: Abbreviation for ... "upper left quadrant".
ULTRASOUND: Also called ... "ultrasonic imaging", "ultrasonography", "echo scanning", A device used to obtain a detailed images of the interior of the body. This procedure uses sound waves that are harmless and painless.
ULULATION: Crying hysterically.
UMBILICAL CORD: The passageway that connects a baby's navel with the placenta.
UMBILICATE: Pitted ... shaped like a dimple.
UMBILICUS: The "belly button". Area of the abdomen where umbilical cord was attached.
UMBO: An area of the eardrum that is shaped like a funnel.
UNCIFORM: One of the wrist bones which is shaped like a hook.
UNCINATE PROCESS: A bone process (a natural growth that comes out from a bone) on the ethmoid bone (of the skull / sinuses).
UNCOATING: One of the stages of replication that a virus goes through ... when proteins are shed and the genome is exposed.
UNCONJUGATED BILIRUBIN: Indirect bilirubin that has not been converted to diglucuronide ... associated with the proteins in plasma.
UNGUAL: Relating to the nail or nails.
UNGUINAL: Relating to the nail or nails.
UNGUIS: Toenail or fingernail.
UNIDOSE: One dosage.
UNILATERAL: Referring to one side.
UNSATURATED FATS: Fats that are liquid at room temperature. They are derived from vegetables and include primrose oil, safflower oil, and flaxseed oil. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are categorized as "unsaturated".
UNSTABLE ANGINA: A condition that results in chest pains due to blood clots.
UNTOWARD: Unfavorable or unfortunate.
UOQ: Abbreviation for ... "upper outer quadrant".
UPEP: Abbreviation for ... "urine protein electrophoresis".
UPJ: Abbreviation for "ureteropelvic junction".
UPPER GI SERIES: An x-ray procedure of the esophagus, duodenum and stomach ... liquid barium is swallowed prior to this diagnostic procedure to highlight these regions.
UQ: Abbreviation for ... "upper quadrant".
UR / O: A combining word-form that means "urinary tract".
URACRATIA: Incapability to old urine in the body.
UREA: One of the body's waste materials.
UREMIA: Presence of urine in the blood.
URETER: Passageway from the bladder to the kidneys.
URETEROLITH: A ureter stone.
URETHRA: A passageway which transports urine from the bladder outside the body.
URETHRITIS: Inflammation of the urethra.
URETHROBULBAR: Refers to the globular penis and urethra.
URIC ACID: A product of the body's metabolism of protein present in the blood and excreted in the urine.
URINARY MEATUS: The opening of the male penis.
UPTAKE: Absorption of a substance by living tissue.
UREA: A waste product formed in the liver ... it is the primary nitrogenous compound of urine.
UREMIA: An abnormal amount of urea in the blood ... typically caused by kidney failure and can be treated with dialysis.
URETHRA: The tiny tube that transports urine to the outside of the body.
URETHRITIS: Inflammation of the urethra.
URI: 1. Abbreviation for "upper respiratory illness". 2. Abbreviation for ... "urinary tract infection" ... an infection of one or more parts of the urinary tract.
-URIA: A suffix which means ... "urine".
URICASE: An enzyme that contributes to oxidation of uric acid to allantoin, carbon dioxide and other substances found primarily in the brain, kidneys and liver.
URINALYSIS: An analysis of urine to determine the presence of bladder/kidney problems, dehydration, diabetes, and nourishment problems.
URINARY TRACT INFECTION: People suffering from this infection complain of burning with urination and frequent urination. Sometimes blood is noticed in the urine combined with discomfort in the lower area of the abdomen. To diagnose UTI's a sample of the blood is obtained and inspected. Pus cells seen via microscope are a good indication but to be sure a urine culture is obtained which identifies the germ and which antibiotic will be effective. As preventative medicine, women should avoid taking baths because E. Coli is present in the rectal area and breeds in the warm water to gain access to the short female urethra. Women who urinate frequently are less prone (i.e. drink lots of fluids). Keep E. Coli away from urethra by proper wiping after bowel movements i.e., wipe from front to back.
URINE CULTURE: The smearing of urine on an agar plate in order to grow a bacterium that may be causing an infection. The laboratory can then select an antibiotic that will work best against that bacterium.
UROLITH: The presence of a stone in the urine.
UROLITHIASIS: Urinary tract stone.
UROLOGIST: One who specializes in urinary problems.
UROPATHY: Any disorder involving the urinary tract.
UROSCHESIS: The retention of urine.
UROSTOMY: Diverting urine from a defective bladder through a surgically created opening.
URQ: Abbreviation for ... "upper right quadrant".
URTICARIA: Skin eruption with temporary wheals and sizes with clear margins and pale centers. Also called "hives". Zyrtec and Allegra are common medications.
URTICARIAL: Rash, hives.
URTICARIA PIGMENTOSA: A rare ailment that results in itchy, hive-like eruptions.
USO: Abbreviation for "unilateral salpingo oophorectomy".
UTER / (O): A combining word-form that means "uterus".
UTEROPLACENTAL: Referring to the uterus and placenta.
UTEROSACRAL LIGAMENTS: Currently being researched.
UTI: Abbreviation for "urinary tract infection".
UV: Abbreviation for "ureterovesical.
UVEITIS: Currently being researched.
UVULA: A projecting tissue of the throat.

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