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Copyright © -  JKL Company
Reprinted with permission from the book From Magic to Medicine


SALICYLATE: A salt or ester of salicylic acid.
SAMe: Pronounced "sammy" ... abbreviation for "S-adenosylmethionine". Long awaited in America ... used in Europe. A natural antidepressant ... equal to or better than drugs ... acts faster and is well tolerated. It is also good for osteoarthritis (anti-inflammatory). SAMe helps relieve cirrhosis, fibromyalgia and sluggish liver. It is said to rebuild degenerating cartilage of arthritic joints. Investigations are currently being performed (Year 2000) to determine if it can counteract the effects of Alzheimer's. Small studies have indicated that it is at least as effective as aspirin for relieving joint pain. Note that it is similar to glucosamine sulphate. Sold as a food supplement in the year 2000.
SANDIMMUNE: An early formula of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine.
SANDOSTATIN: Treats severe, watery diarrhea associated with certain types of tumors. It is also used to reduce excessive amounts of growth hormone.
SANTYL: A topical ointment used for biochemical debridement.
SAPORIN: Neurotoxin..
SAQSALAGEN: Used to stimulate the production of saliva.
UINAVIR: Used to suppress the HIV virus. Should not be taken with St. John's Wort, which can inhibit its activity.
SCOPOLAMINE: A gas used as a general anesthetic. Prevents motion sickness.
SECOBARBITAL: A gas used as a general anesthetic.
SECONAL: Sedative, hypnotic.
SECTRAL: See "acebutolol".
SELDANE: Seasonal allergic rhinitis.
SENOKOT: Laxative.
SENSORCAINE: See "bupivacaine".
SEPTRA: Trademark for a drug that kills bacteria (anti-infective). It is a highly selective drug to treat urinary tract infections.
SEREVENT: Asthma. Often used in inhalers. A long-acting bronchodilator. Normally inhale twice a day (morning/evening).
SEREVENT DISKUS: For the treatment of asthma. Salmeterol (as xinafoate) 50 micrograms / INH; dry powder for inhalation.
SEROQUEL: For psychosis.
SEROTONIN: A chemical, which acts as a messenger or neuro-transmitter, to travel from one nerve cell to another. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter critical to mood changes. A shortage of serotonin can lead to feelings of depression and low self-worth.
SERZONE: This medication is used in the treatment of depression. It can take in excess of one month to be effective.
SHUR-CLENS: Topical drug with miscellaneous uses.
SILEXIN: Antitussive and expectorant.
SILVADENE: For burns; Treatment of sepsis.
SIMETHICONE: Antiflatulent. Is effective for some people. Available products are Gas-X, Phazyme, Charcoal Plus, CharcoCaps, Flatulex.
SIMILAC: Liquid formula for infants.
SIMVASTATIN: See "Zocor". Antihyperlipidemic.
SINEQUAN: Depression and anxiety.
SINEMET: Parkinsonism.
SINGULAIR: For the treatment of asthma.
SINOFRESH: SinoFresh. Nasal spray that fights bad breath while cleaning out the nose and sinuses. Effective against allergies, head cold symptoms and dryness of the sinuses and nares.
SINUFED: Loosens muscles in respiratory passages from allergies and infections.
SKELAXIN: Muscle relaxant.
SLOW-K: Hypokalemia, digitalis intoxication without AV block.
SLOW-MAG: Magnesium tablets ... slow release ... 525 milligrams.
SODIUM SULAMYD: Eye drops used as a bacteriostatic.
SOLEXA: Currently being researched.
SOLU-CORTEF: Powder for IV or IM ingestion ... glucocorticoid.
SOLU-MEDROL: Solu-Medrol is also called ... "methylprednisolone" and is a form of prednisone (a powerful steroid) ... corticosteroid. See Medrol. 40, 125, 500, 1000, 2000 milligrams/vial.
SOMA: Painful musculoskeletal conditions.
SOMATOSTATIN: Growth hormone release inhibiting factor.
SORBITOL: Urologic irritant, excipient.
SORIATANE: Capsules. Used for psoriasis that does not respond to other treatments.
SOTALOL: Used to treat atrial fibrillation.
SPIRONOLACTONE: Adjunct in hypertension.
SPIRONOLACTONE: Anti-neoplastic.
SPORANOX: Blastomycosis ... histoplasmosis ... aspergillosis.
SPORONAX: ... systemic anti-fungal. For vaginal yeast infections and other infections due to Candida.
STADOL: Pain management.
STELAZINE: Anxiety; psychosis.
STREPTOKINASE: Thrombolytic enzyme.
STREPTOMYCIN: Adjunct in tuberculosis ... antibiotic drug.
SUCCINYLCHOLINE: Muscle relaxant commonly used in surgical procedures. Note that some people have an enzyme that neutralizes the effects of succinylcholine shortly after its administration ... pseudocholinesterase.
SUCRALFATE: For duodenal ulcers; prevention and active.
SUDAFED: Nasal and eustachian tube congestion.
SUFENTANIL: A gas used as a general anesthetic.
SULAMYD: Susceptible infections of the cornea and conjunctivae.
SULF-10 DROPS: Eye drops; bacteriostatic.
SULFA DRUGS: A category of various drugs used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. In the early 1940's it was the only germ-killing drug.
SULFACETAMIDE: Bacteriostatic antibiotic.
SULFASALAZINE: A sulfa drug (germ killing drug) which helps control ulcerative colitis.
SULFISOXAZOLE: Initial treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections.
SULFONAMIDES: A category of various drugs used to treat diseases caused by bacteria.
SULFONYLUREA: Relative of the sulfonamides, which possess hypoglycemic action ... i.e., acetohexamide, azepinamide, chlorpropamide, fluphenmepramide, glymidine, heptolamide, hydroxyhexamide, indylamide, thiohexamide, tolazamide, and tolbutamide.
SULFUR: A natural element used to treat infections, parasites and fungus.
SULIFATE: Infections, fenestration cavities.
SULINDAC: Anti-inflammatory.
SUMATRIPTAN: Generic medication that is often successful in preventing migraine headaches.
SUMYCIN: Broad-spectrum antibiotic.
SUPARTZ: A clear, viscous liquid that is injected into the knee joint to provide long-term pain relief and improved mobility to people with osteoarthritis.
SUPRAX: For susceptible infections like otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc.
SUS-PHRINE: Bronchodilator.
SUSTIVA: See :Efavirenz.
SYMADINE: Antiviral.
SYMMETREL: For flu, Parkinsonism.
SYNERCID: An antibiotic released in November of 1999.
SYNTHROID: For hypothyroidism. It is a man made thyroid hormone.
SYNVISC: For osteoarthritis. It is a joint lubricant and friction fighter.

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