A fruit approximately the size of a potato which grows on the Morinday Citrifolia tree in Tahiti. Available in America since 1997 but used in Polynesia, China and India for over 2,000 years.
Said to lower blood pressure, regulate sleep patterns, regulate mood cycles, increase body energy, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, alleviate pain, inhibit growth of cancerous tumors.
According to the book "Noni, Nature's Amazing Healer" Dr. Solomon lists the following conditions that were helped by Noni.
The first number is the number of people who took Noni for that condition - the second number is the percentage who were helped. Cancer (847 - 67%), Heart disease (1,058 - 80%), Stroke (983 - 58%), Diabetes, Types 1 and 2 (1,434 - 83%), Low energy (7,931 - 91%), Suboptimal sexually (1,545 - 88%),
Building body muscle (709 - 71%), Obesity (1,638 - 72%), High blood pressure (721 - 87%), Smoking (447 - 58%), Arthritis (673 - 80%), Pain (3,785 - 87%), Depression (781 - 77%), Allergy (851 - 85%), Digestive problems (1,509 - 89%), Respiratory problems (1,727 - 78%), Sleep problems (1,148 - 72%), Fuzzy thinking (301 - 89%), Kidney problems (2,127 - 66%), Stress (3,273 - 71%), Increased feeling of well-being, felt good; increased alertness and mental acuity (2,538 - 73%).
TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia)
The essential oil from this Australian tree is useful in treating burns, cuts, scrapes, bites, stings, and other skin irritations.
The pale yellow oil is known for it´s antiviral, antibiotic, and antiseptic properties. It is recognized world wide as a fungicide. It´s effective as an insect repellent and for athlete´s foot, mouth sores, nail infections.
Relieve nasal congestion by adding a few drops to hot water and inhaling.
CAUTION: Not normally taken internally.
THYME (Thymus vulgaris)
Thyme is the antiseptic used in Listerine. Originally native to the Mediterranean region, it is now cultivated world wide for it´s germicidal properties. Thyme is also called ... "creeping thyme", "mountain thyme", "wild thyme". Typically used for bronchitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, diarrhea, chronic gastritis and lack of appetite. CAUTION: Overuse can result in poisoning and overstimulation of the tyroid.
Disinfects, astringent, promotes circulation. It contains 100 times more chromium than meat and 400 times more manganese (per weight basis).
In ancient times thyme was used as a meat preservative, cough remedy, digestive aid, treatment for intestinal worms, and the herb of choice for skin problems.
Removes mucus from the head, lungs and respiratory passages (congestion). Also, brings pain relief from migraine headaches.
Infusions are not nearly as powerful as the oil or distilled thymol.
Crush fresh leaves into minor cuts on the way to washing and bandaging them.
CAUTION: Even a few teaspoons of the oil can be toxic.
Revitalizes, nourishes, cell regeneration.
Good for yeast infection, fatigue, liver problems, PMS, prostate, hypoglycemia, mononucleosis, and obesity.
CAUTION: Can aggravate the swollen joints of rheumatoid arthritis.
Turnips (raw) are purported to be effective for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, and TB.
Make a juice by blending 1 turnip, 4 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 clove of garlic, and a handful of watercress. Add a cup of tomato juice. Mix until smooth.
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