Rose hips are purported to be good for infections of all types, bladder problems and stress.
See Chinese Rose Hips
Disinfects, astringent, heals.
Rosemary contains numerous compounds that might justify its reputation as a medicinal herb. It is said to possess the following properties ... antitumor, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-bronchitic, and anti-asthmatic.
Rosemary contains many anti-oxidants. In 1987 scientists found two more ... carnosol and ursolic acid which prevents microbiological spoilage in foods better than what is currently used in the food industry. (BHT & BHA)
In 1984 Japanese scientists discovered the anti-oxidants ... epirosmanol and isorosmanol in rosemary ... both are about four times more active than BHT and BHA.
According to Jude´s Herbal Home Remedies it is also a cure for depression if you add a handful of fresh- chopped rosemary to a bottle of wine and allow it to steep for 4 days. Strain, store and use a tablespoon at a time as needed.
An excellent herb for states of chronic circulatory weakness and hypotension. It is ideal for elderly people as a tonic and an appetite stimulator.
Technically not a plant but it´s curative powers deserves mention.
Nourishes the skin.
When used internally the milky substance contains all of the B-complex vitamins ... minerals, enzymes, hormones, eighteen amino acids, and vitamins A, C, D, and E.
It is used to treat bronchial asthma, liver disease, pancreatitis, insomnia, stomach ulcers, kidney disease, bone fractures, and skin disorders.
Caution: Royal gelly spoils easily ... it must be combined with honey to preserve it´s potency. Keep it tightly sealed and refrigerated.
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