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Reprinted with permission from the book From Magic to Medicine                  Alphabetical Herb List

HAWTHORN (Crataegus Oxyacanrha)

The berries improve oxygen utilization.

As a heart tonic it's benefits have been known for decades ... according to the renowned herbalist Dr. Finley Ellingwood, the herb was "superior to any of the known remedies, because it seems to cure while other remedies are only palliative at best. In Europe the herb has been extensively tested and is recognized by the German government as an approved heart medication.

Research indicates that the berries increase the strength of heart contractions, normalize irregular heartbeats and increase coronary circulation by dilating the coronary arteries ... hawthorn reduces the likelihood of anginal attacks.

It can be used in any situation where the patient feels congestion and oppression in the heart region, mild arrhythmia and conditions of the aging heart, which are not severe enough to warrant taking drugs.

When used regularly, hawthorn berries provide a gentle and long-term treatment for degenerative age related changes. When they are used every day for a year the effects can be expected to continue for a couple of months if you stop taking them.
The berries can be used to treat myocardial problems, angina pectoris, and hypertension ... 100 drops of tincture twice a day can be expected to provide relief in 4 to 6 weeks ... no side effects have been noted.

Hawthorn is also a diuretic ... aids in weight loss ... aids in the shedding of excess body salt. Can increase memory capability by combining it with ginkgo biloba to improve blood circulation to the brain.

DOSAGE: 1-3 cups daily ... one ounce of berries to one pint of water, 10-15 drops of fluid extract tincture - one teaspoon in the morning and another prior to going to bed. Does not produce rapid results (should be taken long-term).

INGREDIENTS: Triterpenoid saponins, amines and flavonoids.


An Associated Press article on December 15, 2000 sited a Turkish study which seemed to indicate that when used as an ointment on incisions made during laparoscopic surgery ... honey acts as a barriers to tumor cells when spread on the incisions. The studies were performed on 60 laboratory mice only and reported in the December issue of Archives of Surgery.

HOPS (Humulus Lupulus)

The dried flowers are valuable for those with insomnia, often providing sleep when nothing else will.

Hops are categorized as “galactagogues” which is a word that the ancient Greeks used to mean, “to bring milk”. Breast feeding mothers may use to stimulate production of milk.

The oil from the leaf is used to make beer and the dried flowers have been used to decrease the desire for alcohol. It will also tone the liver.

In 1982 German scientists discovered that hops contain an alcohol that becomes more and more potent the longer it is stored at room temperature (2 years). When they are exposed to the air they create a powerful sedative vapor.

CAUTION: According to Harvard Medical School researchers the tea can cause the destruction of red blood cells under some conditions.


Also known as “shavegrass”. Rich is calcium and other minerals required by the body to repair damaged tissues.

This herb stimulates the immunity system by increasing phagocytes (a type of cell which absorbs ... it is related to the immunity system in that it ingests bacteria and other foreign substances). . Used to treat Bronchitis, lung and respiratory tract disorders.


See "astragalus".

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