High iron content. Parsley is also an excellent breath freshener.
Scientists were interested in the possibility of it´s active ingredient, lapachol, for its potential anti-cancer properties. But study was abandoned when it was discovered that lapachol was potentially toxic. Many people believe that the toxicity levels of the whole extract as compared to a refined or individual constituent is lower.
Pau D'Arco has been used effectively for AIDS, infections of many types, allergies, cancer, candidiasis, diabetes, leukemia, liver disease, rheumatism, tumors, ulcers, warts and smoker's cough.
The leaf extracts are used to treat indigestion, intestinal gas and to prohibit diarrhea.
Strong peppermint tea is purported to relieve menstrual cramps and quell indigestion. It helps to combat irritable bowel syndrome when used in capsule form.
According to Jude´s Herbal Home Remedies (Jude C. Williams) you can make an effective headache remedy by adding fresh chopped peppermint to 2 cups of boiling water and allowing it to steep for 5 minutes. Strain and add lemon.
Available as Capsule, tincture, tea, tablets.
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Reprinted with permission from the book From Magic
to Medicine
Alphabetical Herb List
PARSLEY (Petroselinum Satirum)
An excellent diuretic. The leaves, roots, and seeds are used to treat gall bladder problems. Has been used to treat menstrual problems, asthma, coughs, and indigestion.
PASSION FLOWER (Passiflora incarnata)
Native to the southern areas of the U.S. where the Cherokee Indians used it in a wide range of preparations. Passion flower is also called
"Mayop". It is said to depress the central nervous system and reduce spasms. Has been used for sleeping difficulties, menopause, childbirth, anxiety, restlessness and nervous disorders.
PAU D'ARCO (Tabebuia avellanedae T. Impetiginosa)
The inner bark is a popular herb in South America where it is used to fight infection and strengthen the immune system.
PEPPERMINT (Menrha piperita)
Used often in aromatherapy ... oil from peppermint is a natural stimulant.
Also called
"vinca rosea" . A species of myrtle. An astringent used internally or externally. Typically it is used to relieve excessive menstrual flow.
PINE BARK (Pinus Maritima)
Used for it´s anti-oxidant effects due to proanthocyanidin (bioflavonoid) content. Sometimes used as a treatment for bruises, gum disease, arthritis, phlebitis, ulcers, varicose veins, allergies that respond to antihistamines and other vascular ailments. Proanthocyanidins are also helpful in maintaining the elasticity of skin.