Intrinsic Factor

Food sources of iron

Nutrients to increase red blood cells

Natural means of coping with anemia



by Joseph Patrick Jakubal

Millions of people throughout the world suffer from anemia, which is defined as either a reduction in hemoglobin in the blood or the number of red blood cells. Either way the end effect is a decrease in the blood's ability to carry oxygen throughout the body and supply it with the energy it needs. Important body processes slow down like cell building & repair and muscular activity. Dizziness and a decrease in mental acuity may result due to the lack of oxygen to the brain.

Anemia is often a hidden disease most prevalent in women (20% of cases) and children (50 % of cases).

The body normally takes in iron, uses what it needs and puts the remainder into storage. The main reasons for low iron "storage" is ...

* Loss of blood due to menses
* Lack of dietary iron
* Inability to absorb iron into the body


The initial symptoms of anemia are ...

* Loss of appetite
* Constipation
* Irritability
* Difficulty in concentrating.

The symptoms of established anemia include ...

* Depression
* Fatigue
* Weakness
* Coldness (extremities)
* Overall pallor
* Brittle nails
* Pale eyelids and lips
* Cessation of menstruation
* Soreness in the mouth


The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency because this is the mineral in the blood that trasnsports life giving oxygen throughout the body. Each red blood cell in the body exists only to transport oxygen and the iron is what gives it it's ability to do that. The red blood cells must constantly be replenished because they only live for approximately 120 days. Anemia due to iron deficiency can be caused by 1) insufficient dietary intake of iron, 2) insufficient abdorption of iron into the body, 3) blood loss (often caused by uterine cancer, fibroid tumors, hormonal imbalance)


* Arthritis
* Cancer
* Dietary deficiency of Vitamin B6
* Dietary deficiency of Vitamin B12 (Pernicious anemia)
* Dietary deficiency of folic acid.
* Drug use
* Hormonal disorders
* Iron defficiency
* Chronic inflammation in the body
* Menorrhagia (heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding sometimes due to hormonal imbalance)
* Peptic ulcers
* Diverticular disease
* Heavy menstrual bleeeding
* Liver damage
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Bone marrow disease
* Infections
* Surgeries


*Raw liver extract (500 mg twice daily) because it contains everything needed for the production of red blood cells. Be sure to use extracts from organically grown beef only. (Nutritional Healing - Balch - 97 - p128) Available from Vitamin Power as Desiccated Liver - advertised as natural - Argentina beef - Product 1037U - qty 250 - $6.95.

*Blackstrap molasses (1 tabelspoon daily) because it is a good source of essential B vitamins which are essential in the production of red blood cells.

*Folic Acid (800 mcg twice daily) because it is required for red blood cell formation (Nutritional Healing - Balch - 97 p128) Folic acid works best by using it in conjunction with Vitamin C and Vitamin B12. Folic acid deficiency is often the result of a dietary deficiency of fresh fruits and vegetables ... cooking destroys folic acid. Natural sources of folic acid includes green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, oranges, split peas, root vegetables. Oral contraceptives and alcohol can inhibit absorption of folic acid. Folic acid. Available from Vitamin Power - Product No. 802R - 800 mcg tabs - qty 100 - $2.95


Natural energy booster and detoxifier which slows/reverses the aging process and is reported effective against even very serious diseases like AIDS, cancer and multiple sclerosis. The bevarage contains B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid. Greatly increases energy and promotes a feeling of general well-being. (Nutritional Healing - Balch - p557) - Available in health food stores - Can be made at home inexpensively.


Greater effectiveness than Vitamin C, Vitamin E or beta-carotene. melatonin plays a major role in the body's production of hormones. Stimulates the immunity system. Most powerful antioxidant ever discovered. Many age-related problems result from a decrease in melatonin levels. Laboratory results suggest that increased mematonin helps to prevent age-related disorders.

Melatonin is produced during sleep naturally. By "tricking" the body into believing it is sleeping production can be enhanced. This was shown in a famous study by Robert Wallace of UCLA who demonstrated that meditators were significantly more youthfull than their ages. Another study performed in England determined that for every year a person meditated (tricking the body into beleiving it is sleeping) approximately one year is removed from his/her apparent age. (Quantum Healing - Chopra - 1990 - p180). A study in Iowa in 1986 showed that the health of 2,000 meditators in Iowa was significantly better than the average American. Meditators were hospitalized 87% less often than non-meditators. (Quantum Healing - Chopra - 1990 - p181). Meditation technique is available as an audio cassette tape entitled Quieting the Mind - JKL


Natural source of Vitamin K which increases blood's ability to clot i.e. decrease menstrual flow. Note: It is seldom that anyone has a deficiency of Vitamin K.

Research in China indicates that angelica increases red blood cell counts, also it increases the ability of blood to clot. (The Healing Herbs - Castleman - 1996 - p68)

DANDELION ROOT (Taraxacum Officinole)
The root is used to fight anemia because it contains iron, calcium, and trace minerals ... also a
laxative/diuretic and helpful in treating poor circulation, bowel inflammation and stomach disorders. Dandelion is generally regarded as safe according to the Food And Drug Administration. (The Healing Herbs - Castleman - 1996 - p212) Available from Vitamin Power - Product 557R - qty 100 - $7.95

DONG QUAI (Angelica polymorpha)
*Also spelled Dang-qui.
*Sometimes called the female "ginseng" although it is also known to be beneficial to men. It strengthens female reproductive organs and regulates hormonal levels. (Natural Health - Sept - 1996)
*A Chinese form of the herb angelica, it is used to relieve menstrual problems or menopausal
symptoms. Also used to improve mental acuity and reduce symptoms of daily stress.
*The root is the part of the plant that is used ... it's major reported effect is that it reduces muscle
spasms. It is also used for PMS, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes. In Asia, angelica has long been used to treat arthritis.
* Studies have shown that it increases red blood cell counts and this is the reason that Chinese
physicians prescribe it for women who have just given birth and requires red blood cells. It is
useful in treating fatigue in both men and women because an increase in red blood cells means an increase in the oxygen that is circulated throughout the body for a feeling of being energized.
TO USE: Make an infusion of 1 teaspoon of crushed root per cup of boiling water ... steep for 10
to 20 minutes.
CAUTION: 1) Do not take in the form of pure essential oil. A Useful Guide To Herbal Health Care - Health. 2) The herb contains a substance that induces photosensitivity. (North American Folk Healing - Readers Digest - 1998 - p31)
(Center for Better Living - 1996 - p23Prevention Health Special Healing Herbs - 1996 - 61.Vitamin Power Herb Chart - Nov 1996. The Natural Health First-Aid Guide - Mayell - 1994 - p 44)
Available from Vitamin Powr as Product No. 431R - 100 caps - $8.95

Considerable scientific evidence exists that ginseng is a general tonic which can bestow a variety of benefits like counteracting fatigue. (Reverse Aging - 1996 - p 36) Ginseng may cause insomnia or nervousness in some people. (North American Folk Healing - Readers Digest - 1998 - p151) Available from Vitamin Power as Product No.225R - 100 caps - Panax - $24.95

YELLOW DOCK (Rumex crispus)
High iron content. Used for Anemia, skin conditions and constipation.
CAUTION: May cause dermatitis or nausea. Leaves are toxic. (North American Folk Healing - Readers Digest - 1998 - p373)

Spirulina contains nutrients like no other grain, herb or plant. It contains iron, Vitamin B12 (required for healthy red blood cells), essential amino acids, high levels of protein, plus it aids in the absorption of iron into the body! Available from Vitamin Power as Product No. 230K - qty 50 tabs - 500 mg - $5.95 ... or Product No. 230R - qty 100 - $10.95

CoEnzyme Q10
Super powerful antioxidant which aids circulation, increases tissue oxygenation and has vital antiaging effects. Sardines is a good source. Also available from Vitamin Power as Product No. 1222K - qty 50 - 30 mg - $24.95


Bee pollen; Bio-Strath form Bioforce of America; Floradix Iron + herbs from Salus Haus; Free form amino acids; Kyo-Gree from Waukunaga of America; N,N-Dimethylglycine (DMG); Octacosanol. (Nutritiona Healing - Balch - p6)


A widely used technique for coping with the stresses of daily life is the practice of deep
breathing. Health experts have long advised of it's value but few of us take the time to try it.

Deep breathing is important because it energizes the body and mind ... but at the same time it has
a tranquilizing effect which calms and relaxes.

When you breath deeply you add millions of extra oxygen carrying blood cells into your blood
stream which enables your muscles, tendons, and joints to operate fully and perform better. Your
skin becomes firmer and more resilient. Your hair becomes shiny and strong.

Your nervous system works better and your ability to make important decisions is improved
because "deep breathing" stimulates the brain cells to increase creativity and the power to

Broken bones, surgeries, physical and emotional wounds all heal faster when the blood is filled
with oxygen during deep breathing exercises.

Deep breathing is also called "diaphragm breathing" and can even eliminate digestive problems
due to the fact that the digestive tract is gently massaged.


The diaphragm is a muscle located just below the rib cage. When you push your stomach "out",
while inhaling, you are creating a vacuum in your lungs that sucks air to the deepest regions.

Try the following exercise for a few minutes and see how relaxed and invigorated you feel

Diaphragm Breathing Exercise

Find a quiet place and lie down on your back ... make sure that your spine is straight and that you
are relaxed.

Place the small finger of your right hand on your naval and let the rest of your hand rest on your
stomach and extend up towards your chest ... feel your stomach expand as you push it out with
each inhale, and collapse as you exhale.

Now press your left thumb against your left nostril, closing it to prevent you from breathing with
it.Take a slow, full, deep breath through your right nostril while counting to four.

Then, hold your breath and count to eight. As you count remove the thumb from your left nostril
and press your first finger against your right nostril. When you reach a count of eight, exhale
slowly through your left nostril to a count of four. This completes the cycle.

This type of breathing fills you with fresh oxygen and clears your lungs. It calms you down and
makes you feel more energetic.

Now try this exercise for four "cycles" ... or until you get the "hang" of it. If you start to feel
dizzy then cut down the number of cycles. Practice every morning when you wake-up and every
evening just prior to sleep. Increase the cycles from four to six to eight as soon as you are able to.

Do this exercise whenever you are tense and anxious. Use it to break up your day and interrupt
stresses and tensions so they will not become "chronic". A certain amount of stress is normal for
you but uninterrupted stresses can lead to a host of health problems ... in fact, many researchers
believe that stress accounts for over 90% of all the ailments that afflict mankind.

By concentrating on your breathing for a minimum of three minutes, you will trigger the "relaxation
response" in your body which will lower your stress hormones.

Shallow breathing in normal every day life can cause anxiety and decrease your energy level.


After you understand what it means to "diaphragm breath" try the following exercise ... and make
sure you diaphragm breath as you inhale. Start by making yourself comfortable ... sit or lie down
making sure your spine is straight.

Count your exhalations up to the number "4" and then start over again ... the goal is to be as highly awake and as aware as possible (completely aware but doing just one thing at a time).

You will start by "breathing out" for four counts and then "breathing in" for four counts while saying
(either out loud or to yourself), "1" and "2" and "3" and "4" and "1" and "2" and "3" and "4" ... do
this at approximately one second intervals because your mind is accustomed to being alert and active at one second intervals and slowing down the pace can make you drowsy and put you in a state of sleep. You might put a ticking clock near you to keep a correct pace.

OK are you ready? Then lets begin, "1" and "2" and "3" and "4" and "1" and "2" and "3" and "4" ...
continue the exercise for about five minutes or until you feel the time is right ... when you are ready come back to this book. Perform this exercise every morning when you wake up and every evening right before you fall asleep. This will ensure that you set the pace for a healthy day and a healthy night's sleep.

Discover the "secret" of champion athletes, dancers, and performers who use these methods and
energize your body. Use the invisible source of oxygen to purify, stimulate, and build up your
immunity system. It's the #1 thing you need to maintain life ... and it's simple and easy to do. (Mind Body Attunement - Jakubal - 1997 - p37)


The iron which is contained in vegetables (nonheme iron) is not as easily absorbed into the body as the iron contained in meats (heme iron). This means that large amounts of fruits and vegetables are required to get your daily requirement.

Kidney beans, lima beans, soy beans, snow peas, collard greens, spinach, broccoli, turnip greens, squash, asparagus, yam, kelp and kale are rich in iron.

Fruits rich in iron include apples, apricots, bananas, plums, prunes, purple grapes, raisins

Vegetables and fruits contain fiber which prevents iron absorption. Juices solve this problem since the fiber is removed and it takes a large amount of vegetables or fruits to produce a glass.

Dark meat turkey, chicken breast (minus the skin) and cornish hen contain just about the same amount of iron as red meat. Opt for a 3 ounce serving of one or the other.

Red meats should be chosen which are low in fat i.e. flank or round steak. Opt for a 3 ounce serving per day.

Liver is high in cholesterol and contains poisons since it's function is to detoxify. It's use is discouraged except in small quantities.

Nonheme iron is better absorbed when eaten with a Vitamin C source. Include a Vitamin C source at meals like an orange or apple (juices are preferable).

Kelp is recommended because it is an excellent source of iron and the B vitamins. (Kelp tablets are available at health food shops)

Other excellent sources of iron include eggs, cream of wheat, fish, watercress.


Since iron is an oxidizing substance ... it can cause freed radicals which accelerate the diseases of aging. For this reason you should supplement your diet with a first class antioxidant such as Pycnogenol, beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A.

Pycnogenol is Available from Vitamin Power - Product No. 322P - qty 90 - 10 mg - $24.95.


* Milk can reduce ability to absorb iron. (Doctors Guide To Vitamins & Minerals - Eades - 1994 - p90).

Coffee and tea inhibits iron absorption (High Speed Healing - Prevention - 1991 - p20).


VITAMIN C: Nonheme iron is better absorbed when eaten with a vitamin C source. Include a Vitamin C source at meals like an orange or apple (juices are preferable).

VITAMIN A: Prolongs the life span of red blood cells. Do not take at the same time as when taking iron because it reduces ability to absorb iron.

B Vitamins: Essential in the production of red blood cells and the breakdown of proteins for use at the cellular levels. You require adequate amounts of B vitamins to absorm iron properly. (Doctors Guide To Vitamins & Minerals - Eades - 1994 - p90).

VITAMIN K: The function of Vitamin K is to maintain normal blood clotting. Symptoms of deficiency is free bleeding. Can become deficient by taking antibiotics, excess calcium or large intake of Vitamin A (2200 IU per day).


Regular exercise builds stamina that helps in the battle against stress. Even a simple walk around
the block can diffuse lingering tension from a bad day at work or a family squabble.

Exercise is what your body instinctly wants when it encounters stressful situations (the fight-or-
flight response). So give it what it wants and burn off excess stress chemicals. And as a by-product your muscles relax afterwards.

How much exercise is too much? And how much exercise is enough? For years we were told that
more is better ... "No pain, no gain".

Scientists at Loma Linda University studied runners in the 1987 Los Angeles Marathon and
discovered that runners who trained for over 60 miles per week were twice as likely to get sick as
those who trained for under 20 miles per week.

It was found that too much exercise produces stress response hormones like cortisol and
epinephrine (classic chemicals associated with the fight-or-flight response). The marathon studies showed that the immune system was depressed for 6 hours after the race, leaving a window of opportunity for disease to strike.

Then the experts reversed their assessments and began teaching that a little exercise is all we
need to lower our death rates.

So what's correct? Well it depends on your goal. If you want to rebuild a physique or compete in
sports then you may have to spend a significant amount of time and effort. But if general good
health is your goal then it may be easier than you think.

Studies have shown that regular exercise has the power to maintain health. A study published in
1996 by the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that "low fitness" may be as
damaging as smoking and more damaging than high cholesterol, obesity, or high blood pressure.

The report said that people who were moderately fit and smoked, but had high blood pressure and
high cholesterol lived longer than nonsmokers who were healthy but did not engage in physical


Moderate fitness is defined as aerobic exercise for at least twenty minutes a day ... four days a
week (minimum).

Aerobic exercise is also called "non-stop exercise" and can include walking, bicycling, gardening,
golfing, mowing the lawn, or any other physical activity that continues for twenty minutes without

Remember that exercise does not have to be unpleasant, it should not be viewed as a chore.
Select activities that you enjoy ... like dancing, riding a stationary bike in front of the T.V., listening to music while you use a stepper, play table tennis, walk on a treadmill while listening to a learning
cassette, etc..

Walking is easy and an excellent aerobic work out ... you can make it more enjoyable by listening
to your "walkman" or walking with a spouse or other friend.

The key is to have fun when you work out or you may not stick with it. To make exercise more fun
I find that it is necessary to rotate a variety of activities. Don't simply ride your bike everyday along
the same route or it will become stale and monotonous.

Another reason to rotate your activities is that when you repeat an exercise over and over your
body gets used to it and does not have to apply as much energy as it used to.


The following guidelines support the beliefs of most people in North American society due to the
consistency with which they have been presented to the population by educators and through the

* Exercise improves your attitude and stimulates production of the natural pain killers called

* Exercise does not have to be unpleasant! A simple 20 minute walk will do ... and remember
that exercise should be fun or you may not stick with it. The key is to find an activity you
enjoy ... then do it regularly.

* Research has shown that you can be in good physical condition if you exercise for 20 minutes a day four times a week. Of course this does not mean that you should do 20 minutes of exercise if you have not exercised for the past 20 years. In this case you should merely start out with what feels comfortable ... one minute, two minutes or whatever. The idea is to increase little-by-little until you achieve your 20 minutes.

* Exercise does not have to be inconvenient ... you could be taking a walk and listening to a cassette tape about your favorite hobby ... or just watching TV. in front of your stationary bicycle.

* The only way you can hurt the body is not to use it. Inactivity is the killer.

* When we say exercise we mean aerobic exercise ... or nonstop exercise.

* Studies have shown that exercise is beneficial for people of all ages. Some of the benefits are ... weight loss, increased energy, muscle toning, lower blood pressure, stronger heart, increased self esteem, etc..

* Do not "overdo" your exercise because you may find it a chore and give it up after a while.

* Working out several hours before bedtime will produce a more sound sleep than exercising within two hours before retiring for the night. (From the Book, Mind/Body Attunement - Jakubal)


* Set up a lifestyle that stresses "whole health" i.e not a pill that fails to address underlying problems.
* Concentrate on a more nutritious and healthy diet (use above guidelines).
* Check out a procedure called "hysteroscopy" which uses a fiber-optic device with a small surgical tool attached to it. This instrument is passed through the cervix to remove uterine growths.
* Check out drugs called GnRH agonists - prescription medications which decrease the size of fibroids and stops your period to allow a buildup of red blood cells prior to surgery.
* Avoid aspirin because it is an anticoagulant i.e. prevents blood clotting.
* Eat a small amount of meat with your meals because there are substances in meat that help absorb iron in non-meat foods (High Speed Healing - Prevention - 1991 - p18)
* Balance and moderation is the key to good health. Get iron by rotating a variety of sources. Set up a system and stick to it.
* Eat a fresh apple, orange or other piece of fruit (or fresh juice) with each meal due to Vitamin C assisting folic acid and iron absorption.
* Deep breath for 2-3 minutes upon waking.
* Meditate 20-40 minutes daily (use deep breathing techniques)
* Whole health requires exercise. Take 20-30 minute walk daily (use deep breathing techniques)
* Decrease calcium - zinc - copper supplements. These minerals inhibit absorption of iron from the intestines. Excess calcium (over 2 grams per day) (Doctors Guide To Vitamins & Minerals - Eades - 1994 - p89). Check out chelated minerals.
* Excess iron can be dangerous because it is a strong risk factor for heart disease. Whole body health is required rather than supplemental iron. Natural is alway the best way ... in the long run.
* Whole health starts with detoxification. Try KOMBUCHA TEA. Excellent source of B Vitamins.
* DONG QUAI for any type of uterine problem, plus it increases energy levels.
* GINKGO is a good general tonic which is also a first class anti-oxidant.
* Discontinue oral contraceptives and alcohol because they inhibit absorption of folic acid into the body.
* Check with your doctor so he/she can co-ordinate with your efforts.

INTRINSIC FACTOR: This chemical is manufactured in the stomach and required if the body is to absorb Vitamin B-12 adequately. Anemia can result from a lack of Vitamin B-12 due to it's role in the manufacture of bone marrow and blood.