November 2000
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![]() ![]() THINKING YOUR WAY TO PROSPERITY by Joseph Patrick Jakubal People are not condemned to a life on the earth mired in poverty --- It is a persons natural "right" to a life filled with happiness and abundance. The only limits that people have as to the wealth in their lives are the limits they have placed in their own minds --- ideas like, "I'll never be rich without a college diploma" or "The love of money is the root of all evil" or "It is harder for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle" --- are only some of the ideas that keep people from attaining all the riches that they deserve. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to show people how to "sweep away" limiting thoughts and ideas and implant ideas of wealth and abundance in their place. WHAT IS WEALTH? Wealth is . . . 1) Freedom from wants. 2) Luxury 3) Abundance 4) Refinement 5) Beauty 6) Money that is circulating WHAT IS POVERTY? Poverty can be thought of as a mental disease because it is a way of thinking . . . a "thinking habit". Thinking habits lurk in the background of your mind and have the power to stop you from getting the things you want. Many people feel there is virtue associated with poverty --- they may harbor deep sunconscious beliefs like, "Blessed are the poor" or "The meek shall inherit the earth" ... "Thinking habits" like these (and countless others) can cause you to sabotage your own best interests and keep you from all the wealth you and your family deserve. HOW IS WEALTH CREATED? It is your mind and your mind alone which creates material wealth --- every material item that mankind has created first started as an idea in someone's mind. Wealth is first created wherever people are engaged in constructive activity ... when you see a building being constructed you are witnessing the creation of wealth --- The banker, electrician, plumber, carpenters, area restaurants, telephone workers, etc. are all being enriched due to the construction process. In reality, all wealth derives from the earth because everything mankind constructs is actually a recombination of elements found in the earth. THE TRUE SOURCE OF WEALTH
Within the subconscius mind is an infinite HOW TO KEEP WEALTH AWAY FROM YOU Envy of those who are wealthy will convince your Subconscious that wealth is not something for you. By condemning and criticizing people who are wealthy you are actually telling your subconscious that you do not want wealth. Experience feelings of happiness for people who are wealthy --- wish them continued fortune and mean it --- know that if they can achieve wealth then so can you. WHY AREN'T MORE PEOPLE WEALTHY? There are many reasons why most people are not wealthy and none are more insideous than fear. People fear that they will fail and everyone will view them as a failure. People fear that they do not have the personal intelligence it takes to achieve wealth. People fear that successful people have advantages that they are unable to compete with. People fear that even if they do achieve wealth they will be unable to keep it. Fear can take many forms but be assured that it has the power to keep you from all the wealth that you and your family deserve. Fears prevent people from taking chances ... and taking chances are a necessary ingredient when achieving wealth. The insideous part of fear is that it is a "paper tiger" --- 98% of people's fears are unfounded --- either they don't come to pass or they end up doing you no harm what-so-ever. But even though most people's fears are imagined it does not mean that they cannot hurt you ... fear of even imagined events can cause stress and anxiety and make you sick. They give people heart attacks, strokes, ulcers, and cancer. WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT FEARS?
Know your enemy ... because once you know
There is one "sure fire" cure for fears and WHAT CAN I DO TO OVERCOME MY FEARS?
It is easy to say, "All you have to do
One way to combat fears is to set up new
The best time to inject new ideas
It takes 21 days to form a new
By combining the above two IS MONEY EVIL? If you found copper, silver, or lead in your back yard you would not think of it as being "evil". How can things that are naturally found in the earth be evil? In the early days of mankind's civilization ... he used metals found in the earth to facilitate the exchange of goods. He had already experimented with the "barter" system but found it to be inadequate because there was no guatantee that the person who had what he wanted would be willing to accept what he had for payment. Money was invented to assist mankind, not to hinder him. Scientists tell us that the only difference between a piece of lead and a piece of gold is the motion and number of electrons revolving around a nucleus ... are the electrons which make up the gold evil? Similarly, are the electrons that make up a thousand dollar bill evil? Evil is in the mind of man ... if he believes that something is evil then it is ... evil does not exist in nature, therefore money cannot be evil because it is derived from nature. The "love of money to the exclusion of everything else" is a different story --- when money becomes the only thing of importance in a person's life then this can lead to many negative personality traits --- remember that human beings are "balanced" creatures. PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS Prosperity consciousness is a positive belief system, with regards to wealth. WHAT IS A BELIEF SYSTEM?
Whatever the mind accepts as true becomes a
You first started formulating your belief
Our belief systems determine how we look at
The good news is that you can change your
Were you ever in the right place at the right HOW CAN I CHANGE MY BELIEF SYSTEM?
Beliefs that make up your belief system
We have negative beliefs because we have
By impregnating your mind with ideas of
Put yourself into a state of hypnosis
1) Money flows to me in avalanches of
2) I like money, I use it wisely and
3) I use my money for good only, and I
4) Money is constantly circulating in
5) I release money with joy and it
6) Money flows to me freely and
7) It is my right to be rich, happy,
8) I am one with the infinite riches HOW MUCH MONEY SHOULD I WANT? You don't want just enough money to get by but rather you want all the money you need to do all the things you want to do ... and when you want to do them. SHOULD I HOARD MONEY? Absolutely not ... money should freely circulate. You can look at money like the tide ... when the tide is out, you are absolutely sure that it will return. THE SECRETS OF ATTAINING WEALTH Don't give up ... whatever it is you are doing to obtain wealth, don't give up! Go through with it even when you are botching it up ... giving up will reinforce a sense of incompetence and turn it into a habit. Do not let criticism stop you --- it is far better to fail at something than to never attempt doing it. Believe in yourself ... know that you have the ability to attain all the riches you desire --- just don't give up. WHAT IF PEOPLE LAUGH AT ME? Inhibition often causes people to think that others are laughing at them. You should not let critical thoughts stop you from getting all the things that you and your family deserve. The critical thoughts that you should be most on guard against are your own critical thoughts about yourself. If you often have thoughts like, "Boy am I stupid". or "How dumb can I be", or "Most people are smarter than I am" then you do yourself a dis-service because most people use less than 10% of their mind's capabilities so all you have to do is use 11% of yours. HOW DO I START Start by setting goals- FORMAL GOALS --- know what it is you want from life. Setting goals can be an arduaous task involving much thought. If you do not have experience in making goals then order the excellent JKL product "The Goal Setting Course". HOW DO I KEEP MYSELF FROM LOSING INTEREST IN MY GOALS? By visualizing your goals every day you will give your mind a direction ... similar to a heat seeking missile which is guided unerringly toward it's target. Visualization is a process which directs the power of your inner self toward the target of "wealth". Do it at least twice a day ... once in the morning after you awaken from sleep and once while you are in a hypnotic state (later in the day).
Imagine that you already have wealth ... create vivid mental pictures which shows you possessing and enjoying whatever it is you want. Don't just visualize --- feel emotions --- notice smells and sounds. Bring all of your senses into focus as though you were watching a play as opposed to watching a movie.