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PH: Correctly spelled ... pH. Abbreviation for "potential of hydrogen:. It is a measure of the acidity / alkalinity of substances. The scale is from 0-14 with 7 being neutral. Numbers under 7 are increasingly acidic while numbers above 7 denote increasing alkalinitiy.

TAKING YOUR OWN PH READINGS: A saliva pH test is simply performed by: ... drawing saliva up from the glands under the tongue a couple of times ... Wet the litmus paper with the fresh saliva. ... Wait 10 seconds then make a comparison between the litmus paper and the sliding colour scale provided with the litmus kit..

SALIVA VERSUS BLOOD: When it comes to pH, it has been found that saliva closely parallels our blood. Normal blood pH is 7.4 while normal saliva pH is anywhere from 6.5 to 7.0. ... It is much easier, quicker and cheaper to test our saliva, not to mention a more preferable, painless option. This special paper can easily be purchased from any scientific supply company ... In order to test your body's pH, you need to purchase pH Hydrion test strips. Here are three sources, but ensure you purchase strips that have a wide testing range, between 4.5 and 7.5:

WHERE TO BUY pH KITS 1. Micro Essential Labs, (718) 338-3616 ... 2. Southern Scientific, (800) 748-8735 ... 3. Simply Hydroponics, (727) 531-5355 4. Where aquariams are sold

PH LEVEL AND DRINKING WATER: If you filter your drinking water you are at high risk that it is acidic because alkalizing minerals are also filtered out. Filtering methods include distillers, reverse osmosis systems, and cartridge filters. Consider neutralizing the acid (Rolaids?) or buying bottled drinking water if yours tests acidic. Incidentally, acidic drinking water has recently been shown to result in a higher risk of diabetes. Natural diabetes and natural cancer control both depend on a healthy pancreas which is sensitive to excessive acidity.

THE EXPONENTIAL pH SCALE One very important thing to remember is that the pH scale is exponential, which means that for every increase/decrease in one pH unit it is actually a tenfold increase/decrease in acidity levels. So the difference in acidity between a pH of 7.5 and 4.5 is not 3 times more acid but 1,000 times more acid!!

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