June 2003

Why We Age

Anti-Aging Research Laboratories

The Anti-Aging Galleria -2000

This Issue


by Joseph Patrick Jakubal

Reprinted with permission from the newsletter ... REMEDIES AND THERAPIES, Vol I, No 2

Hi, I am writing this article to introduce friends to Kombucha tea. As you all know, I am somewhat of a health enthusiast who follows a simple formula for maintaining youth, vitality and freedom from illnesses. My formula is three fold … (1) A special diet, which I adhere to for five days out of the week (the other two days I eat whatever I desire). (2) Regular "cardiovascular exercise" five days a week (35-minutes minimum - 45 minutes maximum). (3) Mind/body relaxation technique (25-minutes minimum - 45 minutes maximum) ... 5-7 times per week.

Even though this formula has served me quite well (zero sickness plus youthful appearance) … I still seek to improve myself. A couple of years ago I was collecting research material for a book I was writing entitled, "Mind - Body Attunement". Several resources mentioned Kombucha Tea, which was purported to be a super-potent health elixir.

I never found the time to investigate the tea. Recently, I have seen many friends develop major illnesses which resulted in deaths and hospitalizations. I mentioned this tea to everyone who would listen but no one seemed interested in seeking out more information.

Well, I cannot get past all of the glowing research and reports that I uncovered. I have decided to experiment with the tea myself and offer it to anyone who would like to experiment with it totally free of charge.

STERILE PREPARATION: Prior to moving to the Michigan area I worked for a billion dollar aerospace company where I was asked to research and renovate an existing Class 100,000 "Clean Room" which dealt with the manufacture and repair of space shuttle components and artificial heart research.

During the time I supervised and renovated this area I gained an appreciation for "clean room" procedures which I adhere to when "juicing carrots, celery and various fruits on a daily basis. Also, I adhere to them when making the "Kombucha tea"

RECIPE #1: The following are the directions I followed when brewing the tea (batch #1).

· "Brew the tea as soon as possible after receiving the baby starter mushrooms(s) . I performed the first brew one day following receipt and the second "batch" on the second day after receipt.

· The following is a list of items needed to prepare the tea

(1) One gallon glass container with a wide mouth, old glass pickle jars work well. (I bought a "Sun Tea" jar which is one gallon, wide mouth and glass).
(2) Six to eight Lipton (standard size) tea bags or other orange pekoe/black tea. Green tea can be used as well, but I believe the taste is too "greeny". I have tried other teas but find the best tasting tea is orange peckoe/black tea. Herbal teas should not be used as these are blends of herbs and not made from tea leaves. (I used Lipton orange pekoe and pekoe cut black tea).
(3) Cider vinegar.
(4) White cane sugar.
(5) Coffee filters
(6) Cheese cloth.
(7) Blender.

STEP #1: Add 1-5 cup(s) of white cane sugar to one gallon of boiling water. Do not boil water in metal pots unless it is stainless steel (I used a new stainless steel pan and store bought spring water from Blue Montains, Canada).

STEP #2: Place tea bags into the gallon container and steep for one hour … remove tea bags and allow tea to cool down to room temperature.

STEP #3: Add ¼ to 1/3 cup of vider vinegar.

STEP #4: Place the baby mushroom(s) you received into a blender with some of the prepared tea and BLEND WELL. Add the blended mixture to the brewing container and mix well. (I only used one of the two mushrooms I received).

STEP #5: Cover with a coffee filter and secure on the mouth of the brewing container.

STEP #6: Allow the mixture to sit still for seven days in the an area with a temperature of 70-85 degrees F.

STEP #7: Taste test by using a straw without disturbing the brewing process.

STEP #8: When tea is ready, gently remove the newly formed mushroom and place on a clean plate.

STEP #9: Strain the tea by pouring through cheese cloth into containers and refrigerate.

KOMBUCHA BATCH #1: Batch #1 commenced brewing on 18 May 1999 and finished on 27 May 1999 … used recipe #1 … produced a new mushroom which went into batch #3.

I liked the taste of this batch as did my son. My wife did not (thought it tasted like vinegar).

This was most likely a very powerful batch due to the fact that this was the only batch in which I put the mushroom in a blender and poured it into the tea to fully impregnate it.

This is the batch from which I gave bottle samples to friends.

KOMBUCHA BATCH #2: Batch #2 commenced brewing on 19 May 1999 and finished on 29 May, 1999 … I used one of the starter mushrooms I received.

KOMBUCHA BATCH #3: Batch #3 commenced brewing on Thursday 27 May 1999 and finished on (pending) … Used new mushroom produced by batch #1.

KOMBUCHA BATCH #4: Batch #4 commenced brewing on Monday 01 June 1999 and finished on (pending) … used new mushroom created from batch #2.

KOMBUCHA BATCH #5: Batch #5 commenced brewing on Monday 01 June, 1999 and finished on (pending). …

CONCLUSION: As you can see … to make subsequent batches, simply take the newly created mushroom (that appears in a finished batch) … and place it in a newly brewed gallon of room-temperature tea. Then, place a coffee-machine filter on the jar and secure it with a rubber band. Let the jar sit in a warm and undisturbed place for approximately seven days … then, pour the Kombucha tea into bottles and store in a refrigerator. Brew a gallon of tea a week per each person who will be drinking it daily. Drink small amounts in the beginning … after you verify that there are no "reactions", increase to approximately 8-10 ounces a day. Sip it with a straw when you have anxiety, the B vitamins will certainly help to calm you. Drink a bottle whenever you feel the first effects of colds and flu (boosts the immunity system).